Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

It was enabled:

Any specific lines of log I should look out for? Because I see nothing of value when pairing/unpairing my DM2500ZB…

If I remember correctly there should be lines in log about comparison of different quirks when trying to pair a new device. But I think that once it is paired the devices signature IEEE is stored in a file in config/.storage/ Then if you try to remove and paire the device another time, ZHA will just check in that file and retrieve the info about your device. So it won’t check if there is a quirk that fit this device. I think that you need to remove the line in for your device before you try to paire it again. Backup the file before just in case.

                "name": "Sinope Technologies DM2500ZB",
                "ieee": "50:0b:91:40:22:01:f5:g4",
                "last_seen": 1640825286.4127183

I also found that your DM2500ZB have Firmware: 0x01030201 and mine are Firmware: 0x01030202.
maybe your dimmer need a firmware update and the only way to do it is to add it to Neviweb and wait for the device firmware update . Could be the problem.

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Didn’t work. I deleted the following lines, but they kept coming back, even if the devices were removed from HA:

“name”: “unk_manufacturer unk_model”,
“ieee”: “50:0b:91:40:00:03:b9:ce”,
“last_seen”: 1640840297.9723635
“name”: “unk_manufacturer unk_model”,
“ieee”: “50:0b:91:40:00:03:c0:60”,
“last_seen”: 1640837982.1130176
“name”: “unk_manufacturer unk_model”,
“ieee”: “50:0b:91:40:00:03:b9:da”,
“last_seen”: 1640838358.143341

What about a clean install, would it work or the devices are encoded in my ConBee 2 key?
Last resort would be to send the ConBee 2 back to Amazon, and order a GT130 from Sinopé…

What are your thoughts on this?

The Conbee do not store anything. But a fresh install will eliminate any possibility of having some code around that interfere with the official ZHA code. Maybe you can just do a fresh install on another sd card and keep your regular aside. If it don’t change anything just go back to your old sd card.
When you remove the line and pair again did you see quirks check in the log.
If you do a fresh install make a copy of your automations :wink:

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I just get an answer from Sinopé about firmware update. They are done automatically on Neviweb on a daily basis more or less one device per day. So if you connect to a GT130 and Neviweb, they will update your device to latest firmware.
I’m using a Conbee II and it is working perfectly. Before I was using Elelabs and it was failing regularly.
You can have both GT130 and Conbee on HA at the same time but your device can be connected to only one of them. But you can switch from one to the other anytime.

Great idea, I’ll try with a fresh install on another SD card. I’ll keep you posted. Thank you for all the help Claude.

Bonjour à tous, beaucoup de bonnes informations ici! Je viens de découvrir tout un monde.
Je suis très intéressé à acquérir un thermostat Sinopé Low Voltage (le seul Zigbee que j’ai trouvé sur le marché). J’ai déjà un Raspberry Pi 4 sur lequel j’ai installé HA avec Docker.
Ma question est concernant la fameuse passerelle GT130. Si j’ai un Raspberry Pi avec un dongle USB Zigbee (ex: Conbee 2), est-ce toujours nécessaire d’avoir la passerelle de Sinopé?

Merci beaucoup et bonne année 2022!

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Bienvenue sur HA. Si vous avez une passerelle zigbee comme le Conbee II, vous n’avez pas besoin de la passerelle GT130. Les appareils zigbee ne peuvent se connecter qu’à un seul réseau à la fois donc c’est soit le conbee II ou le GT130. Le Conbee II a une vitesse de réponse plus rapide car c’est local. Le GT130 premet des mise a jour des firmwares par Neviweb lorsqu’il y a des mise a jours disponibles.
Les deux passerelles sont supportées dans HA.
Vous êtes à la bonne place pour poser toutes les questions concernant HA et les appareils Sinopé. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de plaisir en 2022.

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Super, je vais commencer par acheter mon thermostat, un Coinbee II et installer tout ça avec ZHA.


Fais vite Hydro annonce une première période de pointe pour demain. Plein de belles économies avec la facturation dinamique et le crédit hivernale

Bonjour, Yesterday when i received my first HQ notification about the peak i started to seriously think aboutwhat setup i should do with my thermostats… This when i realized i have a dozen thermostats… I started to shop for thermostats that i could integrate with my HA setup and i discovered Sinopé and this thread. Like @jfmartel I discovered a whole new world thanks to you @claudegel :). My question now: Using the ‘Conbee II’ as a gateway so no cloud service is involved, how do you manage to trigger an automation when HQ release a peak notification?


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@claudegel I just saw your post regarding the IMAP Email content. I think that sould be a good starting point to learn my way around HA. Will try to look at this on my side as well. That would be nice if HQ could provide some API to provide the peak period information directly… :slight_smile: .

I just explain this few post above. Just look for post 820 and scroll down for more info
I have created many automation for heating during normal time, week day or weekend day and other during peak time. I just have one input-boolean that I trigger before the peak period start. Like the one we have today. I’ve triggered my input boolean yesterday after 8:00 pm. Then all automation are switched from normal operation to peak operation in one shut. Once the peak is finish I click again my input bolean button and everything is switched back to normal

I have created a input_boolean.avis_hydro in configuration.yaml

    name: Avis_hydro
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:signal-variant

Then created a button like this in my ui-lovelace.yaml:

          - type: "custom:button-card"
            color_type: card
            color: rgb(223, 255, 97)
            entity: input_boolean.avis_hydro
            icon: mdi:thermometer
            name: Hydro
              - value: "on"
                color: red
                icon: mdi:alert
                  - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
              - operator: default
                color: green
                icon: mdi:shield-check
              - font-size: 12px
              - font-weight: bold

I just need to trigger the button before and after the peak. Let me know if you need more info

I have changed my email at Hydro Quebec to something more generic like [email protected] and then I’ve redirected that address to my personal email and to an email managed by the rpi with HA. I just need to wait for an email and scan it to see if there is specific words about a peak period with IMAP Email content. then it will trigger my button to switch everything on/off

Another peak for tomorrow… great

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Salut Claude,
Merci pour ton travail et bonne année.

I’m not sure if this even works before, but I’m trying to call the “set_climate_keypad_lock” service with multiples entity_id like this is possible with “set_temperature”.

Check at my payload, then the error message in node-red

Bonne année à toi aussi.
I’ll check on my side to see if it work or what can cause this. Do you call that service via an automation ? Did you try via development tool → services

It work on my side when I try it with dev tool → services. Can you try without the “”, just locked

entity_id: climate.neviweb_climate_cave
lockKeypad: locked

Look like it’s in entity_id that something is wrong. Please check each thermostats name.
Maybe you can make a group in HA and just call that group instead of each thermostat entities.

    name: Thermostats
      - climate.neviweb_climate_cave
      - climate.neviweb_climate_chambre_1
      - climate.neviweb_climate_chambre_enfants
      - climate.neviweb_climate_chambre_invite
      - climate.neviweb_climate_salle_a_diner

Then call lock service on that group

entity_id: group.neviweb
lockKeypad: locked

Merci Claude, I can’t figure out how to put multiples entities in a single “set_climate_keypad_lock” call. So, I finally decide to make multiples call in series.