Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

Pour contrôler votre thermostat il faut configurer une carte thermostat dans lovelace

  • Premièrement trouver le nom de votre thermostat dans le panneau de gauche: configuration → Appareils et services → ZHA (un Z blanc dans un rond rouge) → cliquer sur appareils et entities
  • Dans la liste cliquer sur votre thermostat puis cliquer sur ajouter à lovelace dans la boite contrôle. Vous aller voir un example avec le nom de votre thermostat ex. entity: climate.salle_de_bain_thermostat
  • allez dans Aperçu en haut dans la colonne de gauche. cliquez sur aperçu
  • Dans la fenetre principale, en haut a droite cliquer sur les trois petits points à la verticale
  • Puis dans le menu qui apparait cliquer sur modifier le tableau de bord
  • En bas à droite cliquer sur + Ajouter une carte. choisir une carte thermostat et suivez les instructions pour y ajouter votre thermostat
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In your log near the top the sinope quirks are loaded. But for some reason the sinope quirks is not compared with your dimmer.
Your dimmer have a firmware 0x01030201
Mine are firmware 0x01030202
Could be the problem. Maybe it is related with the error in your log line 1032. I need to investigate more

Sinope just told me that connecting your dimmer on Neviweb for at least 24 hours will update the firmware from 0x01030201 to 0x01030202.
That should solve the problem

time to buy the hub :frowning:

While waiting for the GT130, I figure I would investigate a bit the error I got, so far it seems like the device returned by zha_gateway.get_device(ieee) was null. I haven’t found any similar error online so far.

Should I open an issue on github to track this?

My next would be to add logging information in get_device, but I never worked with async commands in python.

We need to investigate more on the reason why a device do not connect or reply correctly in ZHA. Could be good to open an issue.

Yes it is possible. The cluster you need will be in the next ZHA release:

        0x0050: ("onLedColor", t.uint24_t),
        0x0051: ("offLedColor", t.uint24_t),
        0x0052: ("onLedIntensity", t.uint8_t),
        0x0053: ("offLedIntensity", t.uint8_t),

These are the manufacturer cluster (0xff01) attributes for this

Just took the update and can now set the time format!
Used 0x0001 without the manufacture code.
Thanks a lot


Est-ce que les attributs suivant vont être activés bientôt? Peut-être une information que j’ai manqué. j’utilise la passerelle GT130

hourly_kwh_count: null
daily_kwh_count: null
monthly_kwh_count: null
hourly_kwh: null
daily_kwh: null
monthly_kwh: null

Ils sont activé depuis la dernière version 1.1.4 et devraient se mettre a jour à tous les 30 minutes

Désolé je vois qu’il y a un bug ça ne semble pas se mettre a jour. Je vais corriger

Dans mon cas, ils sont à null pour tout mes dispositifs.

Je viens de pousser un release pour régler le problème. En fin de semaine je suis un Papi de service. :grinning:
I’ve pushed new version for neviweb130 and for neviweb custom_component

Ça fonctionne. :grinning: Merci

hourly_kwh_count: 1295.271
daily_kwh_count: 1289.655
monthly_kwh_count: 1268.234
hourly_kwh: 0
daily_kwh: 5.616
monthly_kwh: 27.037

This may be a noob question but how would i got about changing the color using the info you provided?

Normally you can use service zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute via the dev-tool/services or via an automation. I’ve checked and ZHA contain the new version of sinope quirks.
It’s the same as sending outside temperature to thermostats second display but the attributes are different:

service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
  ieee: 50:0b:91:40:00:01:aa:bb  #the iee of your thermostat
  value: 0x0affdc #the color you want to send,  0x0affdc - Lime 0x000a4b - Amber 0x0100a5 - Fushia 0x64ffff - Perle 0xffff00 - Blue
  cluster_id: 65281 #or 0xff01 , manufacturer cluster
  attribute: 0x0050 #0x0050 for led on color, 0x0051 for led off color
  cluster_type: "in"
  endpoint_id: 1
  manufacturer: 0xff01

I just tested it and I get invalid attribute in my log. I’ll check more deeply this week to find out the problem. You can add logging for the quirks in configuration.yaml with:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.custom_components: debug
    zhaquirks: debug

It look like all cluster attributes added for thermostats are in manage cluster for the thermostats in ZHA but all added cluster attributes for light and dimmer are not there. Need to find out why :thinking:

Thank you for your help, I will wait your investigation result.

I’ve found the bug and will send a PR today for light attributes and thermostat attribute for manufacturer cluster. For those who want to use it faster I’ll set a new repository today, sinope-zha that will have the file for the quirks and all information about how to set up and use on your HA as a custom quirks.