Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

In HA you can set a scene that fire the commande you need to control your zigbee devices. You can even set a button that will fire the automation to change a parameter. You do the programmation once and use it easily after.
You can also have a look to ZHA Toolkit integration via HACS

I do not have a 1123zb-g2 but is the sinopebacklight attribute writable on these? If not did you fin a way to tun off the backlight on the g2? I think sinope changed the cluster/attribute or removed the option

Thanks, I will check the tool kit.

But for scene or script, I would need one per device, unless I find a way to extract the ieee on device call.

HI @MattL0 the backlight attribute is not on the sinopé cluster ,0xff01, but on the cluster 0x0201

Cluster 	Attributes 	Fonction 	             Value
0x0201 	     0x0402 	BacklightAutoDimParam 	OnDemand: 0, Always: 1

Sinopé cannot change that cluster but it is possible that it use it for something else. But it will go against the zigbee protocole.
On Neviweb the parameter for the G2 thermostat is “backlightAdaptive” and it is usable so it should work with ZHA

@MattL0 beat me to the punch, I was going to ask the same thing. :smiley:
@claudegel is the Cluster & attribute for the G2 version the same as the first Gen ? or do we need to write new code just to make this one work ? (we are porting this code do Z2M and your work on this on the ZHA side is really helping us)

Tested with 0x0402 (1026) and its giving me a UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE for the G2. So the question is : Is it working in ZHA or is there a new code for dimming on the G2

Merci beaucoup :wink:


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Hey everyone, I’m thinking about something - Is there already a Discord channel about SinopĂ© and HA ?
It would be nice to talk directly sometimes. I see an active community here with more than 1200 messages since 2017.

If it’s not already existing what about creating it ?

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I don’t have a G2 connected to my HA so I can test wright now. The main difference with the G2 is in the out cluster list. they removed sinopĂ© cluster and added the identify cluster.
As it is the same attribute in Neviweb for the TH1123ZB and TH1123ZB-G2 it should be the same in ZHA.

Yes sorry . They just called it Sinopebacklight on zigbee2mqtt even if it is on the Hvacthermostat cluster.

It would be easier if I had a g2 with me . I’ll check.

Et merci beaucoup d’avoir pris le temps de rĂ©pondre @claudegel c’est gentil.

If you have a spare G2 and live in the montreal region I can pick it and sniff the line on ZHA and GT130 to catch all the cluster.

Yes I live near Montreal. Thanks you!

Right now I am waiting for amazon. To ship one. But I am not sure It will be a g2 device. This is for the bathroom so, it can wait ( if it is a g2).

I’ll let you know.

Hello folks,

I bought 6 more Sinope thermostats on Black Friday for use in an old cottage and pumphouse heat control.
I installed one this weekend into the pumphouse, but got a strange message when trying to add the Thermostat to Homeassistant. The initial “interview” seemed to hang, then I tried again and it added immediately, but the thermostat shows up with:

Device: Unk_Manufacturer Unk_Model


It seems to work (i can control the thermostat, and its responding fine to changes in set temp, etc.) but something is definitely wrong. I’m a bit leery to try the “reconfigure” option in HomeAssistant, only because this heater is very important right now to prevent water from freezing in the pump house :slight_smile:

I was worried it might be on the distant edge of my ZigBee network, but any thoughts on why it wasn’t detected as a Sinope Thermostat?

Hi everyone,
The “local_temperature” entity of my 3 thermostats disappeared overnight.
I use zigbee2mqtt with the gauge card.
Do you know what could have happened?

Salut tout le monde,
L’entitĂ© “local_temperature” de mes 3 thermostats ont disparu du jour au lendemain.
J’utilise zigbee2mqtt avec la carte gauge.
Savez-vous ce qui a pu arriver?

Quel est le status de ton sensor.z2m_plancher_chanffant_rdc_local_temperature ?

As-tu toujours le control de ton thermostat ?

Maybe try to remove it and re-associate it. do you have any other issue with your zigbee ? sometimes frequencies can be in conflict with wifi depending on the channel used by your AP.

@claudegel J’ai eu SinopĂ© au tĂ©lĂ©phone ce matin et semble que les commandes avec Calypso RM3500ZB sont envoyĂ© Ă  partir d’aujourd’hui :grinning:

Thx, I’ll give that a shot next weekend when I’m back at the cottage. No other Zigbee problems so far (none that I’ve noticed, anyway!) I’ll report back next week.

Getting back into Home Assistant after a few years off HomeAutomation.

I have a GT125 and GT130. I installed neviweb and neviweb130 (dont care about talking directly to GT125).

Everything works well except for my old TH1500RF Double-Pole that won’t show up (2 other TH1300RF are showing).

I have this error log:

2022-12-05 16:34:00.754 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] neviweb: Error on device update!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 493, in _async_add_entity
await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 715, in async_device_update
await task
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/config/custom_components/neviweb/", line 634, in update
self._floor_mode = device_data[ATTR_FLOOR_MODE]
KeyError: 'airFloorMode'

Any clue?
Thank you!

Pas de status pour sensor.z2m_plancher_chanffant_rdc_local_temperature Ă©tant donnĂ© qu’il a disparu.
J’ai toujours le contrîle oui.