Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

@pgf Hass is the short name of HomeASSistant (I didn’t choose it :stuck_out_tongue: )

Or we just call it HA :slight_smile:

Thank you for that nice summary!

I think I misunderstood some of the very earliest messages in this topic, where several people said they had talked to support at Sinope and been given the API documents. I guess this wasn’t for the WiFi products. Yes, it sounds like it would be good for someone to use a packet sniffer to see if the WiFi protocols can be reverse engineered.

Also, you clarified what is meant by “Neviweb” – it’s “in the cloud”. :slight_smile: That helps my understanding.

And finally – I hadn’t understood that something as simple (at least, it’s simple until I really understand it :wink: ) as the Conbee II is actually a Zigbee gateway. So if I implement HA (or maybe I mean Hass!) on a Rasbperry Pi, and plug a Conbee into the USB port, and work on the configuration for a day or two, I’d be able to talk to my thermostat. (I just wish Zigbee didn’t compete for the WiFi frequency channels. I live in a dense neighborhood, and it’s already hard to find a high quality channel for WiFi.)

The API documents were the one for the miwi devices. Since that Sinopé didn’t release there doc for zigbee and wifi.
I’ve a sniffer for the zigbee and this is how I got all the cluster to improve ZHA support for Sinopé zigbee devices.
My next job is to sniff the wifi devices but first I need to buy one :slight_smile: is the Sinopé cloud where you add all your Sinopé devices except if you have another zigbee gateway where you can connect your zigbee devices.
Yes if you install HA on a raspberry pi and you add a Conbee II usb, you just need to load the ZHA components. Then you add your thermostats one by one and start controlling them. I’ve many wifi network and no conflict with the zigbee channels. I’ve thermostats, light, dimmer, water valve, leak sensor connected to my Conbee II without any stability problem.

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Hi Claude,

Have you had the chance to figure out how to activate the “DR” (G1) or “ECO” (G2) icon on the thermostats?

I think the icon shows up when there is a demand reduction request (aka défi Hydro-Québec/Éco Sinopé)… would be neat if we could use it :slight_smile:

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@claudegel – Hi – Where can I find description of the TH1124ZB device parameters that the integration can read and write?

And, the flip side – do you have a list of the parameters that don’t work? Perhaps that list is empty?

I’m deciding between the Sinope device and the Mysa. It seems that the Mysa integration, through HomeKit, is very incomplete, and some of it has actually stopped working since it was first implemented. That doesn’t give me much confidence for the future, with that product. :-/ So I’m leaning heavily toward Sinope, at the moment.


Hi @pgf for the zigbee devices via ZHA we speak about cluster. If you want to see all cluster supported by Sinopé zigbee devices look in my GitHub - claudegel/sinope-zha: This is a custom quirks for sinope zigbee devices for testing before it is added to zha-device-handlers. It also explain how to setup those quirks in Home Assistant to use and test them before they are merged in zha-device-handlers. The doc list all cluster supported by the Sinopé devices with example on how to read or write to the devices. If you want to use the neviweb130 custom_components then look in the doc GitHub - claudegel/sinope-130: Neviweb custom component for Home Assistant to manage devices connected via a GT130 and wifi devices from Sinopé. You will find all services that you can use to read or write to your Sinopé devices.
As to now most parameters are working great. I regularly check neviweb to find out new parameters added by Sinopé and as soon as I find new parameters I add them to HA.
I’m still needing help for TH1124ZB-G2 and I’m waiting for my new RM3500ZB water heater controller to finish the integration for both HA and ZHA. I know that Sinopé is working on new devices like the propane tank monitor. I already started to add support for it but I will probably need some help from other HA user to support it completely.

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Hi @jsb look in the services from neviweb130
service set_hvac_dr_options, set_hvac_dr_setpoint and set_load_dr_options. This is how to set the DR mode for the Sinopé participating devices and the setpoint during the DR period.
Icons will only appear during DR peirod.
I’m waiting for next DR season, starting December 1, to finalize on this.

Hi Claude,

Sorry, I only have ZigBee thermostats on ZHA (no GT130). I assume the icon shows up when sending a zcl attribute change…

Will probably need to sniff the ZigBee packets :wink:

Thanks very much, Claude, for those pointers to your github repos.

As a followup (and this really shows how much of a newbie I am with Home Assistant): if I were writing an automation for one of these thermostats, there must be a way for me to see, from within HA, what parameters are available to use in my code. How would I find the available parameters for this, or, really, any device, without having to find a friendly developer like yourself? :slight_smile:

Sniffing devices on ZHA won’t tell you which cluster and attribute is used for the DR or ECO to show up on the thermostat display. I suppose that the cluster 0xff01, attribute 0x0071 could be the one you are looking for. In December I’ll sniff my devices on GT130 to find out what are the values for that cluster/attribute. Could be 0 and 1 for DR off/On. I didn’t implement this one in ZHA quirck as I need to find out what it is use for before I add it to the Sinope manufacturer cluster.

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You will find all the attributes you can act on, read or write in the dev-tool/ state. Check for your devices and you will see all attributes that neviweb130 is reading from for your thermostat. For ex:

hvac_modes: off, heat
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 26
preset_modes: away, none
current_temperature: 21.6
temperature: 18
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
wattage: 796
status compensation sensor: ok
status wire sensor: ok
status current sensor: ok
status thermal sensor: ok
status end of life sensor: false
status air sensor: ok
status reference sensor: ok
status load sensor: ok
heat_level: 0
temp_display_value: 21.5
second_display: default
keypad: unlocked
backlight: always
time_format: 24h
temperature_format: celsius
setpoint_max: 26
setpoint_min: 7
eco_status: off
eco_optOut: off
eco_setpoint: off
eco_power_relative: off
eco_power_absolute: off
eco_setpoint_status: off
eco_setpoint_value: null
hourly_kwh_count: 0
daily_kwh_count: 0
monthly_kwh_count: 0
hourly_kwh: 0
daily_kwh: 0
monthly_kwh: 0
rssi: -38
sku: TH1123ZB
id: 295056
unit_of_measurement: celsius
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: Lavage
supported_features: 17

Then in dev-tool/services you will find all services you can use to change those attributes.
for ex: Sinope Neviweb130: set_temperature_format.
This way you can do all automation you want.
If you want to just change the setpoint for certain period then you can check the component scheduler-component with the Scheduler card. This is a tool that make it very easy to set automation based on time.
If you want to create your own automation manually just post what you have and I’ll give you some example. But there are plenty of doc about HA automations

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Excellent – thank you again for all your help!

What is the last fw on th1124zb . I seems i am on hardware version 3, with fw version 2007

Hi @MattL0, unfortunately I don’t have a TH1124ZB. Only TH1123ZB which are at software 0.6.8 and hardware version 2. But I’ve asked Sinopé and will let you know if they answer me.

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I need some basic help in Home-Assistant to have my zigbee thermostat show outdoor temperatures.
I probably didn’t put the code at the correct yaml file ?

When I check my configuration it’s good but throw error on restart.

Invalid config for [automation]: [mode] is an invalid option for [automation]. Check: automation->action->0->repeat->sequence->0->mode. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 37).
21:14:14 – (ERROR)

Line 37 call automations.yaml

in automations.yaml I added this at the bottom

- alias: Send-OutdoorTemp
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.local_temp # sensor to get local temperature
      #- 50:0b:91:40:00:02:2d:6d  #ieee of your thermostat dvices, one per line
      - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:92:71  #Bureau JN
    - repeat:  #service will be call for each ieee
        count: "{{thermostats|length}}"
          - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
              ieee: "{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}"
              endpoint_id: 1
              cluster_id: 0xff01 # 65281
              cluster_type: in
              attribute: 0x0010 # 16
              value: "{{ ( trigger.to_state.state|float * 100 ) |int }}" # sending temperature in hundredth of a degree
            mode: single

And template.yaml

- sensors:
      friendly_name: "Outside_temperature"
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('weather.otterburn_park', 'temperature') }}"

I haven’t played in the yaml and configuration files for a long time, and I am not sure if it’s right like that.

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Everything appears to be in the right place.

Your problem is with the indentation on the last line of your automation. Mode should be on the same level as trigger, variables, action, etc.

Thank you, it fixed the issue. Should learn theses things :slight_smile: but still not sure what the mode is for.

When using the ZHA quirks, is there a better or faster way to change attribute of a thermostat ?
Instead of using the zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute ?

When using the neviweb130, I could call a service.
Like to turn off the display when I go to bed or watch a movie.

set_backlight with the parameters {“type”:“zigbee”, “backlightAdaptive”:“auto”}`

Now It’s a bit more complicated,

  - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
      ieee: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 513
      cluster_type: in
      attribute: 1026
      value: "0"

May be I could write a script to make it easier ?

Hi @Watever44 the different mode are as follow:

Mode Description
single (Default) Do not start a new run. Issue a warning.
restart Start a new run after first stopping previous run.
queued Start a new run after all previous runs complete. Runs are guaranteed to execute in the order they were queued. Note that subsequent queued automations will only join the queue if any conditions it may have are met at the time it is triggered.
parallel Start a new, independent run in parallel with previous runs.