Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

It was first set in neviweb but I think it resetted when I restarted and added to Zha.

Where should I look for the cluster ?

OK let me check if I can find that cluster

Tonight I just added support for Calypso load controller in ZHA. For now it is in my git
GitHub - claudegel/sinope-zha: This is a custom quirks for sinope zigbee devices for testing before it is added to zha-device-handlers. It also explain how to setup those quirks in Home Assistant to use and test them before they are merged in zha-device-handlers. You can copy file into your zhaquirks directory.
Later this week I’ll send a PR to zha-device-handler.

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I changed the cycle throw the interface directly.
The setpoint need to be at the minimum.
You have to hold the down button for at least 3 seconds (more like 5).
Then you change for SHT or FAN with the up button. (short for convectors and fan for long cycle fan type).

Didn’t find what changed in the cluster but didn’t took enough time to figure out if it’s there.

J’ai complĂ©tĂ© le support pour le Calypso dans neviweb130 et ZHA
Il me reste juste a sniffer un peu le zigbee pour voir s’il y a d’autres clusters spĂ©cifiques de SinopĂ© pour le Calypso
Pour neviweb130 voir la branche calypso-support

Here’s what I didn’t understand about the display units and brightness attributes: I thought I had to install the quirks to get them to work, because that’s what it says on the github README. But I’ve now removed the quirk lines from configuration.yaml, and renamed the zhaquirks directory, and my code to access those attributes still works. So clearly I didn’t need to install the quirks.

Perhaps the github README could include an indication of which attributes are already functional in the the latest HA release.

Thanks again for all of your work on this!

When you install the quirks in config/zhaquirks it is to get the latest version. Once a change is stable in the quirks then it is pushed to zha-device-handler and added to ZHA. But this can take many days before it show up in HA.
The quirks are there to test new devices like the Calypso before it is added to ZHA directly.
If the quirks is there ZHA will load it in place of the file from zha-device-handler.
If you remove the zhaquirks dir, then HA will load the zha quirks which are mostly the same except for the newly added featur or devices.
The file in sinope-zha is listing all the cluster that we know and are availables in ZHA.

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Salut Claude,
J’ai reçu mon calypso ainsi que des interrupteurs DM2500ZB. J’essaie d’ajouter les quirks mais sans succùs.

Selon la documentation j’ai ajouter la configuration dans mon configuration.yaml

  database_path: zigbee.db
  custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks/

Puis j’ai importer le fichier dans mon folder custom_zha_quirks

Mais lorsque je test la configuration avant de relancer HA j’ai cette erreur :

Invalid config for [zha]: not a directory for dictionary value @ data['zha']['custom_quirks_path']. Got '/config/custom_zha_quirks/'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 35).

Une idée ?

Moi j’ai ceci

  database_path: zigbee.db
  custom_quirks_path: /config/zhaquirks/

et j’y ai copiĂ© les fichiers,, et de mon sinope-zha
Peut-ĂȘtre que le nom du rĂ©pertoire est spĂ©cifique. Par contre pour tes DM2500ZB ils sont dĂ©jĂ  supportĂ©s dans ZHA. Tu vas avoir besoin du zhaquirks seulement pour ton Calypso

J’ai essayĂ© la mĂȘme configuration que toi mais j’ai toujours la mĂȘme erreur. Mais comme tu dis j’ai pu confirmer que ZHA possĂ©de dĂ©jĂ  les rĂ©fĂ©rences pour SinopĂ©

J’ai correctement dĂ©couvert l’interrupteur mais j’ai les problĂšmes suivants :

  • Je peux on/off mais pas changer l’intensitĂ© lorsque les lumiĂšre sont dĂ©jĂ  allumĂ©s. Pour que le changemnt soit pris en compte je dois Ă©teindre et rallumer
  • J’ai pas de control sur la led de l’interrupteur.

Pour mon sinope-zha j’y met les dĂ©veloppements pour pouvoir tester et quand ca fonctionne je lance un PR dans zha. Ca Ă©vite d’attendre aprĂšs les update de zha et de HA
Pour changer les valeurs tu dois utiliser le service zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
Dans la doc de mon sinope-zha il y a tous les cluster et attributs que j’ai trouvĂ© pour les appareils sinopĂ©

Effectivement j’avais vue ca, mais quel serait la dĂ©marche pour populer les controles directements dans HA ? Bizarement il n’y a que le On_Level

Semblerait que l’on doit dĂ©finir : device_automation_triggers

C’est bien ca me fait pousser mes connaissance zigbee/HA cette histoire :slight_smile:

I’ve Resent my post since my name was at the bottom of the picutre.,

@claudegel Even if it is written TH1124ZB-G2 on the TH1123ZB-G2 package, it seems like there is no g2 version for the TH1124ZB (according to the person who replied to me via sinope sales


Hi @MattL0 Maybe it is not out yet but it is listed in Neviweb technical doc. So I’ve added it.
We’ll be ready when they launch it.
It was the same for the calypso tank controller. I’ve added it to neviweb130 before it came on sale.

For those who are using the Calypso water tank controller in ZHA. I just finished to add specific attributes for manufacturer cluster. I also put some documentation for those clusters and attributes in
Please test and download the file to replace the one you already use in the zhaquirks.

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Thank you very much for all the work you’ve done ! I just connected mine today and will work on the configuration asap. will provide you some feedback

Bonjour, je suis nouveau avec Home Assistant et SinopĂ©. Je possĂšde 11 thermostats SinopĂ© Zigbee ainsi que la passerelle GT130. J’utilise sur mon portable Windows 10 pour la configuration de ceux-ci, par contre, je trouve le tout incomplet et un peu basique. J’aimerais savoir quel est le matĂ©riel que vous utilisez pour placer le code
Si je comprends bien, toutes les données sont enregistrées dans la passerelle GT130 alors comment relier Home Assistant avec mon matériel, que me manque t-il selon vous 
 merci pour votre aide

Bonjour @rayd57. Il y a deux façon de relier vos appareils zigbee à Home Assistant. Soit via une passerelle zigbee comme le Conbee II usb ou en utilisant le custom_component sinope Neviweb130.
Puisque tu as dĂ©jĂ  un GT130 alors il faut installer mon custom_component sinope Neviweb130. le plus simple est d’installer en premier HACS Ensuite tu redĂ©marre HA et aprĂšs quelques minutes HACS va populer sa liste de components et tu pourras installer Sinope Neviweb130.
Dans configuration.yaml tu dois ajouter les lignes suivantes:

  username: !secret climate_username  # courriel utilisé pour connecter à Neviweb
  password: !secret climate_password # mot de passe Neviweb
  network: !secret climate_gateway130 # nom de l'emplacement inscrit au haut de la page dans Neviweb
  scan_interval: 360 # la fréquence pour récupérer les données des appareils dans Neviweb

Ajoute aussi du débug:

  default: warning
    homeassistant.custom_components: debug
    custom_components.neviweb130: debug

Ensuite redémarre HA et tu verras apparaitre tes appareils dans HA

I have a weird issue with my kitchen thermostat. The display was totally black and it was not heating. I looked at the breaker, it wasn’t jumped, turned it off and on anyway, didn’t change anything.

I was still seing it in my home-assistant, ZHA. Could raise and lower setpoint but would not heat.

I looked at the entity and the vacation was showing “heating”, meaning value = 1 (away). So I sent a cluster attribute change in ZHA to 0 and it turned to idle. Then it stated heating.
It’s the only thermostat that does this, it’s also the only thermostat that is with a “fan” as it’s a undercabinet electrical fan unit.

I have no automation other than the outdoor temp value and the display automatic for the bedroom when I go to bed and turn on in the morning.
No away or home mode etc
 So I don’t understand it. I use the ZHA instead of neviweb now so I have a faster control.

Not it’s still in “heating” mode but the display is still there. I wonder what’s the issue.

thermostat kitchen vacation change