Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

There is only 2 options. Unit (C/F) and Cycle (SHT/FAN). I tried to change the attribute on my first gen version, I obtain the same message.

let me check again my code sniff. maybe I’ve made a mistake in the data format.


I have added a couple of attributes for sinope thermostats on z2m. Maybe we can share.

Also… the g2 thermostat is asking for dst time every 5 sec. I was not able to stop that, but it is transparent to the user. Finally the g2 have limited memory, you can set reporting to almost anything on theses… but memory is limited.

Also look at the ecoMode ecoMode1 ecoMode2 attributes. I didn’t play more with them . But here is the pr anyway

A funny one …on the hvacthermostat cluster.
The TH1123ZB-g2 can set the occupiedCollingSetpoint . Surely a bug.

The TH1124ZB-G2 is black??

The divisor on tthermostat is 1000 . On the plug it is 1

Hi @MattL0 for sure we can share data on cluster and attributes for Sinopé devices.
I put everything I can find in my GitHub - claudegel/sinope-zha: This is a custom quirks for sinope zigbee devices for testing before it is added to zha-device-handlers. It also explain how to setup those quirks in Home Assistant to use and test them before they are merged in zha-device-handlers
For the plug there is a quirck to fix the diviser and set it to 1000 in ZHA.

New version to try on sinope-zha,

Yes it’s working. But when I read the attribute the result is “enum8.undefined_0x02”. I must delete the string completely. If I only replace the 2 in “enum8.undefined_0x02” for “enum8.undefined_0x00” it don’t work. But knowing that, it’s work great. Thank you very much for your help.

So you were able to fix the second display ?

Yes! :slight_smile: So now my G2 work like the first gen.

I need to understand better why some attributes look like they are write only and other read only and how to add this to the quircks. Thnak you for testing.
I’ll send a PR to add this to ZHA

last thing, what are the options for this attribute on G2, 0,1,2 only like the regular one ?

Yes, the same thing 0: auto, 1: Setpoint, 2: Outside. I tried 3, but doesn’t work.

Thanks for the options


I have Ouellet (OTH3600-GA-GT) thermostat and used Neviweb components for GT125 (sinope-1). All Ouellet thermostat still unavailable but regular thermostat works well.

Here some log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: custom_components/neviweb/
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7:08:27 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:08:32 PM

neviweb: Error on device update!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 493, in _async_add_entity
    await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 715, in async_device_update
    await task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/neviweb/", line 619, in update
    self._early_start = device_data[ATTR_EARLY_START]
KeyError: 'earlyStart'

Debug information (I hide identifier information):

2022-12-07 19:08:24.418 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.neviweb] Received gateway data: [{'id': 116268, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX', 'name': 'Atelier', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100243, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-XXX', 'name': 'Bureau', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5956, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100985, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxxx', 'name': 'Ch maître', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16193, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25009, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxx', 'name': 'Chambre Arnaud', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16574, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25010, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxxx', 'name': 'Éloi et Flavie', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5955, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25006, 'identifier': 'xxxxxxxx', 'name': 'GT125', 'family': 'GT125', 'signature': {'model': 125, 'modelCfg': 0, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 0}, 'hardRev': 2}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'GT125', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25008, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxx', 'name': 'S.Bain-S.Lavage', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100997, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-19C96', 'name': 'Salle de bain', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16195, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25007, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxxx', 'name': 'Salle Familiale', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100242, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxxx', 'name': 'Salon - cuisine', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100244, 'identifier': 'XXXXXXX-xxx', 'name': 'Salon - Table', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}]

Do you know this issue and do I miss something in config?

Hi @poupouproject it is just because your thermostat do not have option early start. Could you check in neviweb config for this Ouellet thermostat if the fonction early start is available. If yes we will have to find out how neviweb call that option for Ouellet OTH3600-GA-GT. If it is not present we will just deactivate that option for your specific Ouellet thermostat.
First can you post you HA log for the line:
[custom_components.neviweb.climate] Setting up neviweb climate_«name of your thermostat»
I need to know the type for that thermostat. It should be 20

I’ve created a branch on my Git.

copy file and replace the one you have in
Then restart HA and let me know if it work.
But I still need the log I’ve asked above in case some other options are not available for your thermostat.

Hi @claudegel

new debug not same error but still unvailable.

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: custom_components/neviweb/
Integration: Climate (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:56:31 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:56:35 PM

neviweb: Error on device update!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 503, in _async_add_entity
    await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 729, in async_device_update
    await task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/neviweb/", line 622, in update
    self._display_2 = device_data[ATTR_DISPLAY_2]
KeyError: 'secondaryDisplay'

Here is debg you ask foor one thermostat in error:

2023-01-17 21:56:28.028 DEBUG (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.neviweb] Received gateway data: [{'id': 116268, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A4F7', 'name': 'Atelier', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100243, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019DA0', 'name': 'Bureau', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5956, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100985, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019E41', 'name': 'Ch maître', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16193, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25009, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A76E', 'name': 'Chambre Arnaud', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16574, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25010, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A4B4', 'name': 'Éloi et Flavie', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5955, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25006, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0', 'name': 'GT125', 'family': 'GT125', 'signature': {'model': 125, 'modelCfg': 0, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 0}, 'hardRev': 2}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'GT125', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25008, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A533', 'name': 'S.Bain-S.Lavage', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100997, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019C96', 'name': 'Salle de bain', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16195, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25007, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A684', 'name': 'Salle Familiale', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100242, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019E3E', 'name': 'Salon - cuisine', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100244, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0001A142', 'name': 'Salon - Table', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}]
2023-01-17 21:56:28.028 DEBUG (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.neviweb] Gateway_data : [{'id': 116268, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A4F7', 'name': 'Atelier', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100243, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019DA0', 'name': 'Bureau', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5956, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100985, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019E41', 'name': 'Ch maître', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16193, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25009, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A76E', 'name': 'Chambre Arnaud', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16574, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25010, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A4B4', 'name': 'Éloi et Flavie', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5955, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25006, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0', 'name': 'GT125', 'family': 'GT125', 'signature': {'model': 125, 'modelCfg': 0, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 3, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 0}, 'hardRev': 2}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': None, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'GT125', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25008, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A533', 'name': 'S.Bain-S.Lavage', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': None, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100997, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019C96', 'name': 'Salle de bain', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16195, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 25007, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A684', 'name': 'Salle Familiale', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100242, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-00019E3E', 'name': 'Salon - cuisine', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}, {'id': 100244, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0001A142', 'name': 'Salon - Table', 'family': '1122', 'signature': {'model': 1122, 'modelCfg': 4, 'hardRev': 1, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 7, 'minor': 0}, 'softBuildCfg': 4}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 16192, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'TH1120RF-3000B', 'vendor': 'Sinopé', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}]
2023-01-17 21:56:30.701 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.neviweb.climate] Setting up neviweb climate Atelier: {'id': 116268, 'identifier': '001EC0E6CFF4-0000657B-0-0000A4F7', 'name': 'Atelier', 'family': '725', 'signature': {'protocol': 'miwi', 'type': 20, 'model': 725, 'modelCfg': 82, 'hardRev': 0, 'softVersion': {'major': 1, 'middle': 0, 'minor': 2}, 'softBuildCfg': 0, 'family': '725'}, 'location$id': 5979, 'parentDevice$id': 25006, 'group$id': 5957, 'orderIdx': 0, 'sku': 'OTH3600-GA-GT', 'vendor': 'Ouellet', 'url_en': '', 'url_fr': ''}
2023-01-17 21:56:31.181 DEBUG (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.neviweb.climate] Updating neviweb climate Atelier (0.432 sec): {'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointAway': 15, 'lockKeypad': 'unlocked', 'timeFormat': '24h', 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'airFloorMode': 'floor', 'floorLimitHigh': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorLimitLow': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorMaxAirTemperature': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorSetpointMax': 30, 'floorSetpointMin': 5, 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'rssi': 45, 'roomSetpoint': 15, 'outputPercentDisplay': 0, 'roomTemperature': {'value': 20.01, 'error': None}, 'alarmsActive0': {'type': 'none', 'severity': 'indication', 'duration': 0, 'configIdx': 0}, 'floorSetpoint': 15, 'floorTemperature': {'value': 15.62, 'error': None}, 'alarmsActive1': {'type': 'none', 'severity': 'indication', 'duration': 0, 'configIdx': 0}}
2023-01-17 21:56:31.181 DEBUG (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.neviweb.climate] Device data for neviweb climate Atelier: {'roomSetpointMin': 5, 'roomSetpointMax': 30, 'roomSetpointAway': 15, 'lockKeypad': 'unlocked', 'timeFormat': '24h', 'temperatureFormat': 'celsius', 'airFloorMode': 'floor', 'floorLimitHigh': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorLimitLow': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorMaxAirTemperature': {'value': None, 'status': 'off'}, 'floorSetpointMax': 30, 'floorSetpointMin': 5, 'setpointMode': 'manual', 'rssi': 45, 'roomSetpoint': 15, 'outputPercentDisplay': 0, 'roomTemperature': {'value': 20.01, 'error': None}, 'alarmsActive0': {'type': 'none', 'severity': 'indication', 'duration': 0, 'configIdx': 0}, 'floorSetpoint': 15, 'floorTemperature': {'value': 15.62, 'error': None}, 'alarmsActive1': {'type': 'none', 'severity': 'indication', 'duration': 0, 'configIdx': 0}}

Ok I’ve updated should work now

1 Like

I confirm that work as expected! Merci!!!