Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

If you have time to check in your borwser debug console to see if there are other options for your OTH3600-GA-GT thermostat that are not yet supported in HA. we can add them before setting a new release.
When you are in Neviweb open the dev console by hitting F12. depending of your browser you will se the console at the right of the screen (chrome) or at the bottom (firefox).
Open your thermostat configuration and check in the console for line like this:
where 69441 is replaced by your device number. I need to check the attributes list to see if there are other attributes that are not yet supported in HA.

I try your call in console and i received error. Can I found this information in the script file in source tab?

No, just open the console and watch what appear when you open your thermostat config in Neviweb. You will see many line starting with GET
followed by a list of attributes. this is that list I need if possible.

Here you go!

:wave: I love this integration. Is there any way to change the display to Fahrenheit only with a zigbee connection? (Ie, without a Sinope gateway).
I noticed the option shows up via the HomeKit bridge, but it doesn’t do anything.

If you are with ZHA you can do a write to this cluster/attribute
cluster: 0x0204, attribute: 0x0000, TemperatureDisplayMode 0=celcius, 1=farenheight

@claudegel I tried your suggestion but it didn’t change the display.

When I tap “Read attribute” (after tapping “Write attribute”) with either 0 or 1 set as the override, the Value is “None”. When I remove the override the Value goes back to “TemperatureDisplayMode.Metric”.

I also noticed that when I download diagnostics or reopen the attributes, the override isn’t saved and it reverts to its original value.

:man_facepalming: I finally figured out I was putting 1 in the wrong field. It goes in Value, not override. Thank you!

That’s ok. I’m happy that it is working. So I’ll keep sniffing to catch new clusters :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, just installed my GT130 and my first TH1124ZB
Everythink seem to work fine except I am not able to monitor the power usage 

Anyone could point me the way to set that up ?
Will it be the same thing for the Calypso and other Sinopé products ?
Thanks for your help ! :slight_smile:

Hi @QuebecInfo, if you look into dev-tools on the left. at the top of the screen you will see state (États)
Click there and you will see all the devices present in HA.
Look for climate.neviweb130_climate_«your thermostat name»
in the attributs column on the right you will see those attributes:
hourly_kwh_count: 1216.55
daily_kwh_count: 1213.238
monthly_kwh_count: 1122.852
hourly_kwh: 0.16
daily_kwh: 3.472
monthly_kwh: 93.858

The first three are summation. the last three are kwh for the last hour, the last day and the last month.
In GitHub - claudegel/sinope-130: Neviweb custom component for Home Assistant to manage devices connected via a GT130 and wifi devices from Sinopé there is documentation on how to set those data in the energy module

Hummmm your right

I don’t know where I seen that info but I was checking for hour_kwh instead of hourly_kwh 
 Working better that way

Is it correct to use this template to monitor in the energy dashboard?

 - name: Garage - Chauffage etage 
   unique_id: garage_chauffage_etage
   unit_of_measurement: kWh
   device_class: energy
   state_class: total
   state: >
     {{ state_attr("climate.neviweb130_climate_th1124zb_g2","hourly_kwh") }}

Yes, don’t forget to put before

  - sensor:
      - name:....

or just add it to your other template sensors if you already have created other template sensors.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
Very nice job

Hi, finally, I probably did a mistake 

I created :

  • sensor:
    • name: Garage - Chauffage etage
      unique_id: garage_chauffage_etage
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total
      state: >
      {{ state_attr(“climate.neviweb130_climate_th1124zb_g2”,“hourly_kwh”) }}

It seems to be populated with data, but, now, the value is 0.12 kwh for today, where neviweb tells me 2,54 kwh 
 that’s a little difference :smiley:

The hourly_kwh is the amount of kwh for each hour. It is not a total. for this you should use
state_class: total_increasing
state: >-
{{ state_attr(“climate.neviweb130_climate_th1124zb_g2”,“hourly_kwh_count”) }}

I will test this right now ! thanks !

Salut Claude,
Quick question regarding the calypso device. Can I make it works on my setup knowing I dont have a Sinopé gt130 gateway but I do have a sonoff ZigBee dongle?

Note: I have a thermostat TH1124WF that I use on home assistant with neviweb130 and it works #1

Thanks for your help, looking forward to buy the calypso device

Yes the Calypso controller works with ZHA. I’ve done the quircks for that device