Sinope Line Voltage Thermostats

Thanks for the quick response, do I need to “install” the sinope-zha in your GitHub??


No, sinope-zha is for testing or if you want to have the support for a new device before it is added in zha-device-handler. Calypso support is already added in ZHA

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Hello there
Is there any way to determine if the temp setting was done by an human directly onto the thermostat or by an automation ?

I’m new to the Home Assistant world… I have setup a Rasberry PI with HA to start.
If I want a complete Local solution without web requirement for Thermostats, Switch, Water Heater controler, etc…
Is Sinope a good brand to go with ? (I’m from Quebec)
Is this possible not to use the Sinope Zigbee controler ?
What Zigbee Dongle is the best ?

Hi @StefTheToolman

All my Sinope Zigbee thermostat are connected to a cronbee II dongle with the ZHA integration. So all it’s local and not with the cloudbase neviweb.

All Sinopé zigbee devices work with ZHA with many zigbee gateway like the Conbee II.

@claudegel Thanks for your work on supporting Sinope Thermostats via ZHA. I was really concerned about having to use cloud sync for this but now it all works locally.

When/how will we know when the zhaquirks have been merged into zha?

BTW, I ran into issues with my TH1300ZBs. Had to add each one twice to get them working properly. I think they were all related to the quirks not loading properly. For example, one of them was added successfully, but could not be controlled, then after a reboot of HA it went to unknown manufacturer and model but could be controlled. On second add it worked flawlessly.

The master branch of my sinope-zha is already merged into zha. I’m preparing support for double click event and long press event on/off for switch and dimmer. This is in branch double-click and once it is merged in zha I’ll merge it in the master.
For your Th1300ZB it is possible that new version of those thermostat have new cluster active and they are not properly detected in ZHA. If you can provide the signature you get in ZHA when it is detected as unknown manufacturer I’ll be able to check and add them in the quirks. for this you can open an issue in sinope-zha. I’ve had the same issue with the G2 thermostat that were not loaded properly.

That is interesting. My G2 was not discovered properly either without adding zhaquirks. And I thought I added that twice to HA before I started my search to end up here.

Pardon my ignorance, but where is the signature? Would it be in the HA log or device diagnostics or ?

I can remove the quirks and rediscover both the G2 and one of the TH1300ZBs and send you what u need.

to find the signature you go in parameters on the left side than in device and services.
There you will find the ZHA app. Open the device list and click on your G2 device.
In the device information section click on the three vertical dot and select manage zigbee device.
you will see the signature tab. This is what I need.
Also to find out if your device is properly discovered just click on zigbee info and check for
Quirk: thermostat.SinopeTH1300ZB
If it’s not detected properly you will see something like
Quirk: unknown device…

Thank you.

Just to confirm, since you mentioned that your master branch is already merged, I should expect these devices to be discovered without adding zhaquirks, correct?

You G2 thermostats are already on ZHA. they should be registered as SinopeG2Thermostats in the quircks.
But just in case that Sinopé did change something in there cluster please send me your signature for those TH1123ZB-G2 and TH1300ZB
Thank you


Vous semblez être un expert dans ce domaine.

Voici mon problème. Je cherche une application et hardware pour contrôler la charge sur ma génératrice. J’ai 4 charges de 3 kW et une de 6 kW(chauffe eau).

Je n’ai aucun équipement d’acheté en ce moment.

Le total des charges ne doit pas dépasser 8 kW en même temps. La passerelle sera probablement Zigbee et les équipements Sinope semblent répondre à mon besoin mais ils n’ont pas de logique pour contrôler ma charge selon ce besoin spécifique. J’utilise MyEyedro. Je connais donc le profil exact de charge.

Pouvez vous m’aider à cet effet.


Sorry @claudegel, I tried this tonight and could not reproduce the issue I observed before.

What i tried was commenting out zhaquirks in my config and restarting HA, and also changing the zigbee DB. but both different thermostats got recognized correctly each time. If the signatures are still of value, I can grab what I have now and post here.

I was also seeing Quirk:zhaquirks.sinope.thermostat.SinopeTH1300ZB in the zigbee info which was throwing me off, but that is not an indicator that this was discovered using the zhaquirks I had enabled based on your work I guess. I see the same for my Aqara devices.

A side question:
I see the firmware list as Firmware: 0x01010901 for the TH1300ZB and Firmware: 0x00010100 for the G2. is that expected?

Bonjour @Robert2234
C’est un beau défi. Pour monitorer vos appareils il vous faudra un RM3500ZB, Calypso, pour votre chauffe eau et des RM3250ZB pour vos autres appareils. Il vous faudra aussi un gateway zigbee comme le Conbee II. Si vous voulez suivre en temps réel votre wattage il faudra probablement modifier le reporting sur les appareils zigbee pour avoir le wattage avec une plus grande fréquence. Ceci se fait facilement avec zha-toolkit mais il faudra valider quel est la fréquence minimale qu’on peut avoir.
Par la suite dans HA il faudra créer des sensor pour avoir le wattage total et des automations pour suivre le wattage total et agir lorsque ça approche certaines limites en coupant certains appareils au besoin.

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Hi @korey_sed if the devices are recognized correctly then the signature is what is expected in ZHA. In that case I don’t need the signature but if ever you have another zigbee device that is not recognized properly, unknown device unknown manufacturer then send the signature so I can add that device in ZHA
the firmware of my TH1300ZB is 0x01000900 so yours is more up to date. I don’t have a G2 thermostat. I hope some day Sinopé will release the OTA firmware update for ZHA.
Normally if you have only a TH1300ZB and TH1123ZB-G2 you don’t need my sinope-zha as all is merged into zha-device-handlers and ZHA. But if you get new device not detected properly then we can use sinope-zha to debug and add the quircks we need.

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Je vois ses messages dans le log.

Rien d’annormal, j’ai juste oublié d’enlever le logging pour les stat. je vais le désactiver


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Hi guys

Tried to push my local temp on 3 Sinope Zigbee thermostats, guess I need some extra eyes to look at my automatisation.

Using Environnent Canada as temp source.

I simply cut&paste the code on @claudegel GitHub and changes my ieee ids.

  • alias: Send_OutdoorTemp
    • platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.sainte_therese_temperature # sensor to get local temperature
    • 68:0a:e2:ff:fe:8d:bd:63
    • 00:3c:84:ff:fe:96:6c:b6
    • 38:5c:fb:ff:fe:df:35:6e #ieee of your thermostat devices, one per line
    • repeat:
      count: “{{thermostats|length}}”
      - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
      ieee: “{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}”
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 0xff01 # 65281
      cluster_type: in
      attribute: 0x0010 # 16
      value: “{{ ( trigger.to_state.state|float * 100 )| int}}” # sending temperature in hundredth of a degree
      mode: single

And the result is : Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘0’]

I tried to manually call the zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute sevice in the development tools - and it did work, I’m able to manually change the outside temp on my thermostat.

It might be a simple issue but I can’t see why my YAML is not working properly.


I @olivier_drdoom welcome to HA.
First when you post some code you need to have the correct formatting. For that you need to copy / paste your code in your message and after select the code and hit the above symbol </>. This way it is possible to see if the formatting is correct as the yaml format is very specific.
here is my automation to send outdoor temp to thermostat:

- alias: Send-OutdoorTemp
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.varennes_local
      - 50:0b:91:40:00:02:26:6d
    - repeat:
        count: "{{thermostats|length}}"
          - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
              ieee: "{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}"
              endpoint_id: 1
              cluster_id: 0xff01
              cluster_type: in
              attribute: 0x0010
              value: "{{ ( trigger.to_state.state|float * 100 ) |int }}"

Can you check that the sensor.sainte_therese_temperature is populated with data. because on my side there are always problem with the environnement Canada component. My sensor.varennes_temperature is almost always unavailable.