Direct GT125 protect you against internet connection failure. But both are good and stable. On my system I’m using both simultaneously as a maintainer in case of bug after HA upgrade. Direct GT125 is faster as you can poll more frequently.
Ils sont gentils quand meme:
J’ai commandé une autre thermostat et je retourne celui la. Pour vois si j’ai un defect.
Ils peuvent dire qu’il ne supportent pas Home Assistant. Mais il ne peuvent pas dire que ça ne fonctionne pas dans HA car ils ne l’ont pas testé. J’en ai 7 qui fonctionnent parfaitement tant avec ZHA qu’avec neviweb130.
J’ai reçu le thermostat de remplacement. Meme behavior.
Je le gardes, mais tres déçu.
Ça pourrais être aussi ton gateway zigbeee. Ici j’utilise un Conbee II et mes TH1123ZB-G2 fonctionnent très bien. Avant j’avais un Elelab et ça se déconnectait tout le temps.
Est-ce que ton thermostat est près d’une borne wifi et est-ce que ton dongle zigbee est connecté directement à l’ordinateur sur un port USB ou tu as mis une rallonge. Souvent la rallonge règle bien des problèmes de drop de connection. Moi j’ai une rallonge de 6 pieds.
Je me suis commandé un sky connect de HA celui-ci peut-etre updaté OTA pour le firmware et sera prêt pour le nouveau protocole zigbee thread.
As-tu regardé pour mettre a jour le firmware de ton gateway peut-etre qu’il est là le problème.
Enfin moi je suis sur la rive sud de Montreal. si tu demeure pas loin je pourrais te le tester sur mon réseau ZHA. Si ça fonctionne ici c’est probablement ton gateway qui est vieux au niveau du firmware,
Merci Claude.
Je suis sur un Pi 3. La. clé USB a toujours été direct dans la machine. Mais mon firmware Elelab est vieux (6.0.3). Je vais upgrader pendant les fetes. Et peut être déplacer tout ca sur un PI 4.
Le thermostat est actuellement a un endroit que l’on ne chauffe pas avec les plinthes (Thermopompe 4 tonnes dans la maison)
Je regardes pour SkyConnect, ca semble bien !
J’ai eu tellement de drop de connection avec Elelab que je l’ai remplacé par un Conbee II qui va très bien et là je teste le sky connect.
En passant le pi 5 sort en janvier ou février. J’en ai un en pre-commande chez canakit
En attendant, mets une rallonge USB ca va améliorer les connections. Mais si le firmware du Elelab est vieux il se peut qu’il ne marche pas avec les nouveaux thermostats.
Est-ce que tu peux flasher ton Elelab ?
Hello Claude, I started using my Sinope Zigbee thermostats with Neviweb. When there was a “hydro critical peak” event, a green dot with the letters DR in it was displayed on baseboard thermostats and the words “Demand response” where displayed on the heated floor thermostats. I do not see any attribute for this in the table you provide on GitHub. Is it something super hidden?
which component are you using. neviweb130 or zha ?
I left Neviweb and converted to zha
OK then in ZHa the attribute are:
|0xff01|0x0071|113|t.int8s|eco_delta_setpoint|off:-128, celsius*+-10, amount of setpoint reduction/increase for peak and pre-heating|read/write/report|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|0xff01|0x0072|114|t.uint8_t|eco_max_pi_heating_demand|255=100%, range: 0-99 Set pi_heating_demand percentage limit 0% to 99% (225 = 100%)|read/write/report|
|0xff01|0x0073|115|t.uint8_t|eco_safety_temperature_delta|off:255, range: 0-100, set heating restart if room temperature goes x% below setpoint|
I just did the PR for zha-device-handlers. It was approved but will be merged soon and should appear in ZHA on next HA update. For now you can access the attribute as ecoMode (0x0071), ecoMode1 (0x0072) and ecoMode2 (0x0073). You only need the ecoMode. It allow you to increase the temperature for the pre-heating period and reduce it for the peak period. During all that time the DR will flash.
Wow merci. It is not as simple as turning the indicator on or off.
In my automations I simply control the setpoints during the critical peaks and revert back to my normal programming after the peak. Which works fine but if I want that bling indicator I will have to raise my level a bit…
Juste make an automation that change the value for 0x0071.
off value is -128.
To raise temperature for pre-heating juste set the value to let say 50 (celsius * 10). it will raise the setpoint by 5oC and the DR will blink.
To reduce temperature by 10oC just set the value to -100 and DR will blink.
Once the peak is finish just set the value back to -128 and the thermostat setpoint will go back to the value before the peak period.
I have never used an automation to set the time on my thermostats. I have never set the time on them. They always have shown the right time. Using ZHA only.
In the thermostats and all other device type there is a clock chip that keep time. But if the device was never paired to neviweb I’m not sure that the time set at production is accurate. also there is two time switch during the year and this can be changed from time to time. I’m not sure that this is encoded in the thermostats. So it could be a good practice to send time value once a day to all zha devices.
The old miwi devices was doing scenes directly recorded in the device. So if you have a scene to turn on light 30 minutes after the sun go down the switch should receive time, sunset and sunrise hour.
For zigbee that was never connected to Neviweb you need to do it at least once. but doing it once a day will keep the time accurate.
here is an example of automation:
- id: set_time
alias: set_time
- platform: time
at: "01:00:00"
- 50:0b:91:40:00:02:26:6d
- 38:5c:fb:ff:fe:d9:ea:f4
- repeat:
count: "{{thermostats|length}}"
- service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
ieee: "{{ thermostats[repeat.index-1] }}"
endpoint_id: 1
cluster_id: 0xff01
cluster_type: in
attribute: 0x0020
value: "{{ (as_timestamp(utcnow()) - as_timestamp('2000-01-01'))| int }}"
mode: single
There is an attribute for thermostat but none for other devices.
Hi Claude, I have all my Zigbee thermostats connected for over 1 year on ZHA (never connected to neviweb) and I have never adjusted the clock, and they have never shifted. I just checked, and the clock changed exactly (same second) as all my other devices (thermostats, IPhone, etc.). So probably ZHA or HA sends time to different devices from time to time.
Having worked with atomic clocks, I know when a clock does not keep time and my thermostats do keep time and do change to/from DST without automations or manual intervention. (TH1123ZB-V2 and TH1124ZB)
P.S. I have written a bad value (current value - 4000) in the cluster 0xff01 attribute 0x0020. After some time (minutes) the clock was back to the correct time.
Zigbee thermostats have a time cluster in the out clusters, 0x000a. Probably they get time update and stay accurate. The old TH1123ZB, TH1124ZB and TH1500ZB don’t have time cluster. All other thermostats devices have one. So maybe for the old one we need to send time once a day or so.
Mine are 1 year old.
Do you have the time cluster in the output clusters ?