SIP capable intercom integration

Continuing the discussion from SIP Client:

thx for the quick answer didn’t expect that :slight_smile:

forgot to mention that. I meant, if the LAN2WAN bridge could now be done using HA’s android app, is that possible?

thought the same although I could LAN SIP-Provider in parallel, couldn’t I? Call local first and couple of seconds later I call the SIP-Cloud-Number, to minimize bandwidth issues.

I spoke with their tec-line a couple of days ago, it is not unlikely that their system will be installed (it is still cheaper as the Swiss standard system :smile:) .
Moreover, there might be an integration what uses their LAN-2-LAN API

Don’t know what you mean by that… The HA android app knows nothing about SIP. You will need a a lovelace card as explained in my setup.

Yes. You can. Either at the same time or a few seconds later.

The grandstream also as an API.


that is what I had I mind, combined with How to run LoveLace GUI as an Android App - #15 by HeadHodge (sorry too much googling today)

checking it out now