SIP Doorbell, android tablet and HA integration

In the past days I tried this with camera entities from the generic, onvif, and ffmpeg platforms but I’m always getting snapshots as camera view.
If I’m going to the /api/camera_proxy_stream URL from within the js code I’m also seeing a still image…

I’m also seeing this in the logging:
2021-10-20 13:16:33 WARNING (MainThread) [haffmpeg.core] Timeout while waiting of FFmpeg

Do you have any clue what this can be? I’m running the latest version of HA Core.

If you use a “normal” card for seing the stream (eg. picture-entity) is it streaming correctly?
The card is “simply” using the camera entity and streaming should work.

The stream is working correctly if I’m using a normal card and I “open” the card by clicking on it.
The thumbnail of a normal card itself isn’t streaming too but I don’t know if it should.
It’s the only camera I can test with.

In my case, even within the card without opening it, I have a stream… So, that could be the issue. You should try to get a streaming in the basic card first. Then, it will work.
How do you integrate your camera? They are so many options :slight_smile:

At this moment I’m using the Onvif integration… I will have a look at it… Thanks!

Try this
Now, the difficulty is the find the URL for streaming. It depends on the camera type.
Try to find yours here Connecting to IP Cameras

Hi Dears

In HA I receive the call from Dauha VTO, but when I trying to answer no any reaction.

Any suggestion?


I would say, it could be because the codec are not the same on both sides… I don’t know what the dahua can do.
Try to put some debug on asterisk. It should tell you a bit more.

Hi again @greengolfer,
finally found some time to rebuild my whole setup and it works flawlessly.
Just a hint for those who use docker freepbx, do not use macvlan as it add another level of nat and complicate stuff too much. Just use different port.
But i have a question regarding webrtc and doordroid. Is it possible to have two peers or more on the same extension? (My case is two wall tables with home assistant and a single doorbell, one upstairs, one downstairs) Only the one tablet ring.
Is it possible to ring both of them?

I told you :wink:
Network config was too complex! Glad it works.

It should be checked of Asterisk doc, but, I don’t think so…

Create two dashboards (or at least two for the doordroid card). On one tablet configure with extension 1001, on tablet two with extension 1002. Then, either from the doorbell call 1001 and 1002, or on asterisk creates a group 1000 including 1001 and 1002 and from the doorbell call 1000.
Both should work depending on what your doorbell can do. GDS3710 can call mulitple numbers at the same time…

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Hello again,
i have made 2 views inside a dashboard with visible setting for each non admin user and added 2 different webrtc extension, downloaded the ring group module as you mentioned. Then created the ring group and
VOILA!! everything finally works… thanks a tons for all your help!!

Yeahp, mine is working pretty well, the “catch” is that you will NEED to use a proper AND VALID https certificate (upload the ha cert from duckdns) your ws or wss port need to be forwarded to internet and don’t forget to setup it right…

FIY: hairpin NAT helps a LOT to achieve proper results

Your problem is networking issues… Troubleshoot that, solve the errors and you’re good to go next