Hi all, I was wondering if anybody knows how I can get this information into home assistant so I can show it on my UI
I made a web scrape shortcut and I’m actually amazed I finally figured it out. (I’m not very good at this stuff)
Below is my shortcut. It looks up my teams web page and extracts the 4 teams in my division and prints out the results. I would love for this to be automatic but I think I’ll just have to run the shortcut after each game. But if you know a way to do it better I’m open to suggestions and if it’s possible to get it into a sensor would be awesome.
What else have you guys come up with? I’m surprised there isn’t a section already being discussed here. I know it’s not really Home Assistant related (other then trying to get the information to show up)
But I do believe Shortcuts could help with our automation hobbies.