Site cannot be reached - Raspberry Pi OS

Hi, I’m completely new to Linux. I cannot connect via IP to Home Assistant, it says “This site can’t be reached”.

  • I installed the Raspberry Pi OS from scratch
  • Followed the official Docker Debian [Install using the apt repository] instruction since I’m using the 64-bit version
  • Then followed the official [Manage Docker as a non-root user] instructions
  • Afterwards installed the Compose Plugin [Install using the repository]
  • Installed Portainer using this the YAML file and this instruction
version: '3.0'

    container_name: portainer
    image: portainer/portainer-ce
    restart: always
      - "9000:9000/tcp"
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /opt/portainer:/data

Everything seems to be working fine. I can open Portainer in my browser and the HA container is also showing up and is running. However I’m not able to connect to HA via the IP:8123

Is there anything I did wrong in the setup process that might be causing this issue? Any help would be much apprechiated!