Size of screen on tablet

I have a tablet that runs HA and controls the house. As I am getting older, I need the top menu to be larger. Does anybody have any ideas how I can make the top menu larger?

iOS Companion App - has a “scale” settings which allows to zoom in some extent.

You can also look at changing the theme or using browser_mod to enhance the output. Personally I do not use the companion app, I use Fully Kiosk browser on generic tablets throughout the house to give me control and use browser_mod heavily to enhance the view.

Thank you. Iam using Fully Kiosk browser and browser_mod, but stil l can’t see how to change the top menu size. I can change most other sizes.

You might have to do that via a theme.

Did you figure out a way to change the top menu size? Looking for the same thing. Thx

sorry I have not found the solution. Though I would really like to know how to do it.

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