Skip forward on media player

It seems the media_position doesn’t update anymore as it used to.

I have tried to use the attributes that is available to get it to skip forward 30 seconds.

{{ state_attr('media_player.chromecast_vardagsrum', 'media_position') +
    (now() - as_datetime(state_attr('media_player.chromecast_vardagsrum',
    'media_position_updated_at'))).seconds + 30}}

When I used this with it skipped forward about 1000 seconds
Anyone have a working template for skipping forward when the media_position does not update more then when interact with the media player?

video scrubbing is, good or bad, platform specific. from the name you have, it looks like you have a chromecast, although i can’t tell if it’s a true google dongle, or if you’re using a built in chromecast or what.

for my chromecast, your method does still work.

i presume you meant media_player.media_seek

It’s the dongle type.

I could probably create a sequence to pause, skip forward, play that way the entity will update the mafia position.

hmmm. Perhaps, but I’m confused as to why you are seeing that issue at all and I am not

I can try it again. But I had a template display the expected media position.
Everything except the +30 in the template.
When I skipped forward the media position jumped about 1200 seconds.

The time we get from UNIX is in seconds? It’s not milliseconds as in JavaScript?
That could explain it perhaps…

yeah,the values i see in the attributes of the chromecast media_player entity are in seconds for media_position and datetime for updated_at.