Is there any way to avoid generating a trace for a specific trigger in an automation?
Specifically, I have an automation that I’d like to add a 5 minute time pattern trigger to as backup, but this will make traces useless. Is there any way to prevent the trace from being generated for this trigger?
Or some clever workaround for my actual issue?
At a minimum of 20 traces/hour, I’d need about 200 traces to have a chance of finding the traces for failures. It will also make it very difficult to find the failed trace.
My apologies. “Actual issue” was a reference to generating a lot of traces. E.g., maybe there’s some clever way to set that up as a separate automation using the same configuration without having to maintain them separately (I have many of these types of automations, all technically generated from blueprints).
The 5 minute trigger is to cover state reporting issues outside the control of HA.
You could improve the original automation so that a “backup” 5 minute trigger is not needed or you could put the 5 minute trigger in a separate automation.
As an example, I have an automation that keeps a switch in sync with an input_boolean. It triggers on a state change of the switch, the input_boolean, and on HA startup. However, once in a while, the command to turn on/off the switch will fail silently (even with retry—hard to debug, since it doesn’t happen often). Running the automation every 5 minutes ensures that this problem or any other unforeseen edge case will be resolved within 5 minutes.