Skoda Connect

The skoda integration was working great for me until recently. I was able to get the positiion of my Karoq car and other information. Now it is no longer available. I tried to remove and set up the integration again. Now, it does not even show position as an option to retrieve. Do you know why?

Are all of your Connect licenses still valid?

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Indeed this was the issue… Thank you!

first of all, thanks for this integration, really great.

I’ve issues when trying to create the input slider and the automation example from the repository for the pre heater. its always running into this error:

2022-11-01 18:43:19.068 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.standheizung_dauer_einstellen] Standheizung Dauer einstellen: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘vin’]

2022-11-01 18:43:19.083 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.standheizung_dauer_einstellen] Error while executing automation automation.standheizung_dauer_einstellen: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘vin’]

VIN no is the no from the car info sensor, right?

I have updated the example in the repo. It was using the older service call syntax.

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I’m not able to controll the parking heater from the switch entity for my octavia RS, but there are no errors in the logs. :frowning:
The switch is going to on and after a short period of time turning off but nothing happens.

Other switches like flashing parking lights i. e. are working.

Are you able to start it from within the app? Lots of issues off and on last few weeks with VAG servers.

Yes, it works from the app, when I started it from the app or the remote key. The parking heater switch is on and I can turn it off from HA. Just turning on from HA is currently not working.

Please open an issue on GitHub and provide full debug logs. Might be that there’s something I’ve changed that unknowingly broke theater.
Which model year is it?

OK will provide the full debug tomorrow, model year 2022.

Which Hardware do I need for this and what are the monthly / onetime costs?
Do I need a Cloud or is it possible to have a e.g. “bluetooth connected” sensoring as long as I am near the car with my phone and an bluetooth-enabled OBD-II adapter or otherwise if i am at home by wifi?

You need a Skoda car with online capability and a valid, paid, subscription to the Skoda Connect service.

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I am trying to automate when to fully charge and when to charge 80% for battery preservation with my Skoda Enyaq firmware 3. Has any one got that working? I’m also struggeling with it in the Skoda app. So it is likely not the integration that is at fault, just me or Skoda Connect. But there’s so much confusing about Connect I’m hoping it is just me.

The problem stems from the UX of the original app itself: there are 3 or more ways to set the target battery percentage for charging, and also multiple ways to get there to add to the confusion on how many settings there actually are and what takes precedence. In the app I found:

  • A toggle for battery maintenance (I have it on, meaning 80%)
  • A maximum charging level, which I took to be a one time override but does not seem to act that way as it stays at 100% and still it stops at 80%
  • A maximum charging level in the charging location. I’d realy like to define my home charging location so it automatically unlocks the cable, but in having a location I’m forced to set a percentage tere too.

Some of these settings are reflected in the integration, but not all. There’s a max charge current switch that is set to on while my car is charging 80%. There’s the service to set the limit in the integration too but it doesn’t seem to work for me. The big question, how should they all be set to have a default charge of 80%, and Home Assistant able to force 100% when needed for the next trip? I tries several things but it takes days per attempt. If it means deleting the home charging location I’ll definitely consider that.

Hi, currently switching from VW WeConnect to Skoda Connect (Passat → Superb iV) and while similar integrations, I am struggling a bit to understand all the switches for aux heating for example. The car has both gasoline powered and electric powered aux heaters. In HA I can see switches like “Electric Climatisation”, “Auxiliary Climatisation”, “Climatisation from battery” and “Allow aux heater next departure”.

Climatisation from battery seem to be constantly on, is this an in-car setting that tells “Electric Climatisation” is allowed? Or something else? If I try to switch “Auxiliary Climatisation” to “on” nothing happens, it switches back to “off” soon after and car does not start heating. Do I need to e.g. enable “Allow aux heater next departure” to use the siwtch directly from gui?

From the skodaconnect.set_climater service I was able to turn on the heater (even when it replied there was an error calling the service) by setting “enabled: true” and “aux_heater = true”. This was also then reflected on the switch status. Is it meant so that setting the aux climatsation happens only via the service and the switch itself is actually just a read-only status for the aux heater? What about the other climatisation switches, the same? What is then the purpose of these “Climatisation from battery” and “Allow aux heater next departure”? Window heater is something that can be started separately, is there any benefit of putting it on when tryin to heat the car?

Also, I can see the service for setting the climatisation time. But I cannot see any sensor for showing the remaining time, should it be there?

Finally, what is the purpose of Refuel distance, refuel duration and refiuel start mileage sensors?

edit: one more bonus question for something that differs from WeConnect. There is “External Power” and “Energy Flow” sensors available and e.g. example automation in github for notifying about unlocked doors. But the trigger for this example automation is set as:

- id: 'notify_skoda_car_is_unlocked'
  alias: Skoda is at home and unlocked
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.vw_carid_external_power
      platform: state
      to: 'on'
      for: 00:10:00

What is the purpose of these sensors (looking for explanation why used like this in automation)…? :slight_smile:

If it works anything like VW ID integration (which I am using besides Skoda Connect), then I would disable the battery preservation / maintenance altogether (if that limits it to 80% always) and just go with the max charge level. This is how I do it. Whenever I plug it in at home, it send a notification that charging has started with max level XX etc. info. In the notification there are also buttons to press to switch the target to something else or delay the charging to cheapest hours.

The auomatic unlocking the cable I don’t see so important as the car is probably locked in any case and you’ll need to open it when you leave.

Charging location is something I tried using with ID.3 in the beginning but there were unwanted behaviors like mysterious discharging (I assumed it did some “preheating without telling anyone”, i.e. not visible in the app or anything, but somehow the schedule you can set based on location got stuck there). So I stopped trying with that. Of course, could be different for Skoda (and could be fixed now for VW)

Thanks for your reply. I have s strong feeling that Skoda will be very much the same internally so I’ll definitely follow your suggestions. It sounds like this could work for me too, as it brings the bits that could mess with the result down to the one setting that I can control form Home Assistant. If it works, I’ll experiment further by re-introducing the home location with either a 80% or 100% preset.

Unfortunately work is suddenly consuming all my time and brain power, but when I get around to it I’ll let you know if it worked.

The switches are representative of what you can change from within the MySkoda app (MySkoda Essentials).
Electric climatisation: start or stop the electric climate
Auxiliary climatisation: what it says, aux heater driven by gasoline or diesel.
Climatisation from battery: allows the electric climater to be used with only battery power when the car isn’t plugged in.
Allow aux heater next departure: for next scheduled departure time, allow the use of aux heater (if needed) instead of electric climater.

All of these settings can be set within the car or in the app.
Most need a couple of minutes before HA integration reflects the correct state.
The service is meant to be used to set multiple things at once instead of waiting for each individual change.

Aux heater is finicky and might need a few tries before it starts. Check the the results sensor to see if last request was successful or not.

Window heater will use only electric climater to defrost the windshield and it’s up to you what you want to use.
There’s unfortunately no “time left” value for climatisation for the Superb IV.

Not sure what these “refuel” sensors you are talking about? You mean the “since refueling” statistics?

The external power and energy flow sensors should be quite self explanatory I think. External power is if there’s external power connected to the car. Energy flow is if there’s energy flowing from the battery or plug.
And don’t mind that example automation, it’s wildly inaccurate and out of date.

The Skoda Superb IV is on a different platform than VW ID and Enyaq, it doesn’t work at all the same.
But you can set the charge limit in a similar way but it’s what the car will charge to immediately when it’s plugged in.

Thanks for the reply, makes much more sense now :slight_smile:

Both VW ID and WeConnect integrations are very slow so I took my time waiting for the aux heater to start but so far I have not managed to do that from the switches. Will try a few times again. The service is working so I can use it as a workaround…:+1:

With refuel sensors I mean these:

Since refueling would be logical but e.g. Refuel start mileage, Refuel duration, Refuel distance is a bit unclear still - the values don’t reflect what I would expect to see if those were to be “since refueling”.

External power: the status of this sensor has been only “Clear”, even when charging.
Energy flow: this goes to “Detected” status when charging, otherwise “Clear”.

→ So should flow also indicate when battery is used (energy flowing from the battery or plug)? I assume the car uses it quite dynamically when driving. Or does this mean only situation like climatisation (electric)? With external power I would assume to see something else than “Clear” when plugged in to a charger.

The “refuel” sensors are statistics since refueling, I just checked. Might need to tweak the names of those to make it more obvious.

External power should be “on” or whatever representative state it is for the device class. Home Assistant has changed quite a bit over the last year so the actual text status might not be a good representation anymore. But if something isn’t working as expected, raise an issue on GitHub.

When the car is being driven it won’t send updates to the servers so you won’t see any changes to sensors until the car is parked.
But you should see the energy flow sensor turn on when climater is running from battery.