Has anyone looked at bringing the Sky HD box into the fold?
For the unaware, Sky is the main satellite broadcaster in the UK and the STB exposes a DLNA service. HA does spot it and writes some errors to the log. Some good work has already been done to build a python remote control by this guy:
He has further info on his blog which is linked from his github above.
To be able to bring what is playing and to control the box using HA would be fabulous.
I’ve had a play around, sending commands is about all you do at the moment. No idea how to check the status though unfortunately, if you could then integrating all this into a media player would be easy.
Though I’ve since moved to docker so I have scripts running off MQTT commands and the sky status is also sent via MQTT. Works really well, only I had to set the scan interval to 5 min else the box gets really sluggish
AFAIK you can’t install in hassio as you’re limited to pip.
Unless you can get npm installed from pip and then install the cli via npm install?
I don’t have hassio so can’t check