### Describe the issue you are experiencing
Whenever I access the Hardware-Scre…en (https://ip.of.my.homeassistant/config/hardware)I get "unknown" error.

It no longer shows my Skyconnect Stick.
Beside that, the zigbee Stick work totally fine with ZHA and Zigbee devices can be paired and used without any (known) issues.
Issue has also been documented in https://community.home-assistant.io/t/skyconnect-devices-not-in-hardware-screen/820121, but a "pattern" was not clear what the issue might be.
### What operating system image do you use?
generic-x86-64 (Generic UEFI capable x86-64 systems)
### What version of Home Assistant Operating System is installed?
### Did the problem occur after upgrading the Operating System?
### Hardware details
- VM deployed via ProxMox on NUC8i3BEH2 i3-8109U -> SkyConnect stick passed through, hub passed through and Google Coral passed through
See screenshot

- enough Cores and RAM (16GB out of 32GB )allocated, see detailed info from System information
### Steps to reproduce the issue
1.Open up https://ip.of.your.homeassistant/config/hardware, wait until website loads, it doesnt matter if http or https or if Chromium or Firefox based.
2.While Processor and Memory graphs appear, a "unknown error" appears on top left.

3.While this happens a log entry appears (log will be copy/pasted afterwards also:

### Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us?
Nothing suspicious (only unrelated warnings about )appear in Supervisor logs, but in System logs like:
2025-02-07 11:40:40.176 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'anonymous' does not exist in the schema for Mosquitto broker (core_mosquitto)
2025-02-07 11:40:40.179 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.options] Option 'interface' does not exist in the schema for Samba share (core_samba)
They clearly dont have anything related to it (will fix it now, lol)
### Anything in the Host logs that might be useful for us?
Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/homeassistant_sky_connect/hardware.py:24
integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:20:01 AM (14 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:37:34 AM
[140467197511856] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) hassioadmin from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0)
[140467197517040] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) hassioadmin from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0)
[140466975239488] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) hassioadmin from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
[140467573200864] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) hassioadmin from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0)
[140467205284208] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error) hassioadmin from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/decorators.py", line 28, in _handle_async_response
await func(hass, connection, msg)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hardware/websocket_api.py", line 65, in ws_info
hardware_info.extend([asdict(hw) for hw in platform.async_info(hass)])
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/homeassistant_sky_connect/hardware.py", line 24, in async_info
KeyError: 'vid'
### System information
## System Information
version | core-2025.2.0
-- | --
installation_type | Home Assistant OS
dev | false
hassio | true
docker | true
user | root
virtualenv | false
python_version | 3.13.1
os_name | Linux
os_version | 6.6.73-haos
arch | x86_64
timezone | Europe/Amsterdam
config_dir | /config
<details><summary>Home Assistant Cloud</summary>
logged_in | false
-- | --
can_reach_cert_server | ok
can_reach_cloud_auth | ok
can_reach_cloud | ok
<details><summary>Home Assistant Supervisor</summary>
host_os | Home Assistant OS 14.2
-- | --
update_channel | stable
supervisor_version | supervisor-2025.02.0
agent_version | 1.6.0
docker_version | 27.2.0
disk_total | 251.3 GB
disk_used | 34.6 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
host_connectivity | true
supervisor_connectivity | true
ntp_synchronized | true
virtualization | kvm
board | ova
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | Traccar (0.25.0), AirSonos (4.2.3), File editor (5.8.0), Frigate (0.14.1), Log Viewer (0.17.1), MariaDB (2.7.2), Matter Server (7.0.0), Mosquitto broker (6.5.0), Nginx Proxy Manager (1.0.1), Samba share (12.4.0), ZeroTier One (0.19.0), Scrypted (v0.130.1-noble-full), ESPHome Device Builder (2024.12.4), Whisper (2.4.0), Piper (1.5.2), openWakeWord (1.10.0), FTP (5.1.1), ICantBelieveItsNotValetudo (4.1.0), Zigbee2MQTT (2.1.1-1)
dashboards | 3
-- | --
resources | 0
views | 15
mode | storage
<details><summary>Network Configuration</summary>
adapters | lo (disabled), enp0s18 (enabled, default, auto), docker0 (disabled), hassio (disabled), ztqu3gi3hn (disabled), veth41d2e5a (disabled), veth0c4edd7 (disabled), veth1b806bd (disabled), veth402b597 (disabled), vethd0c13ba (disabled), vethfd0457a (disabled), veth02d74b3 (disabled), veth7a9e077 (disabled), veth02ee102 (disabled), veth3ae1790 (disabled), vethd173104 (disabled), vetha25b0e4 (disabled), veth75494c4 (disabled), vethd774257 (disabled), veth8fd0d57 (disabled)
-- | --
ipv4_addresses | lo (, enp0s18 (, docker0 (, hassio (, ztqu3gi3hn (, veth41d2e5a (), veth0c4edd7 (), veth1b806bd (), veth402b597 (), vethd0c13ba (), vethfd0457a (), veth02d74b3 (), veth7a9e077 (), veth02ee102 (), veth3ae1790 (), vethd173104 (), vetha25b0e4 (), veth75494c4 (), vethd774257 (), veth8fd0d57 ()
ipv6_addresses | lo (::1/128), enp0s18 (2003:cb:b704:bd00:a37e:86cf:7805:f4c2/64, fe80::3ff:225e:122e:e76a/64), docker0 (fe80::42:31ff:fe57:8576/64), hassio (fe80::42:6fff:fe94:1ba4/64), ztqu3gi3hn (fe80::dc14:fff:fe85:9aee/64), veth41d2e5a (fe80::b6:89ff:fe22:f65b/64), veth0c4edd7 (fe80::b4a9:3cff:fee2:e1d0/64), veth1b806bd (fe80::3c13:23ff:fe5a:9818/64), veth402b597 (fe80::10c3:6ff:fed8:c4b2/64), vethd0c13ba (fe80::f0c0:2cff:fe50:8c45/64), vethfd0457a (fe80::4c39:2aff:fe56:6edb/64), veth02d74b3 (fe80::980a:b3ff:fe41:b826/64), veth7a9e077 (fe80::8012:9eff:fe74:6491/64), veth02ee102 (fe80::cc0d:c1ff:fe81:37b6/64), veth3ae1790 (fe80::6c0e:d2ff:fed7:7ca4/64), vethd173104 (fe80::2840:3eff:fe09:7bd7/64), vetha25b0e4 (fe80::b03c:3aff:fead:8993/64), veth75494c4 (fe80::78a0:27ff:fe1b:353/64), vethd774257 (fe80::fa:bff:fe58:8d1b/64), veth8fd0d57 (fe80::1033:4aff:fecb:21f3/64)
announce_addresses |, 2003:cb:b704:bd00:a37e:86cf:7805:f4c2, fe80::3ff:225e:122e:e76a
oldest_recorder_run | January 7, 2025 at 2:19 PM
-- | --
current_recorder_run | February 6, 2025 at 10:08 AM
estimated_db_size | 6507.84 MiB
database_engine | mysql
database_version | 10.11.6
api_endpoint_reachable | ok
-- | --
### Additional information
A Home assistant Forum Entry has also been created:
Feel free to PM me or advise if something needs to be checked/changed/done from my side.
Thank you guys.