Hello together,
i am using my skyconnect since a few months with Silicon Labs Multiprotocol enabled and controlling a few threat / matter and zigbee devices.
Because sometimes i had problem with not responding devices and now decided to buy a second device ( SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus) to seperate the thread and zigbee connections .
So, in the future the sonoff stick will handle my zigbee devices and the skyconnect should handle the thread devices.
Has anyone done this by himself and have some advices for me? Or is there a “manual” how to do this transition smoothly?
I only found this documentation: Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1
Unfortunately, if i understood it correctly, this will result into setting up all my thread devices again :/…
- Is there a way were i do not have to reconfigure everything?
- Should i flash my skyconnect with the thread-only firmware? Or is that not important if i don’t use multiprotocoll? Can i backup and restore my config and devices :/?