I have a skyconnect running on my Home Assistant. I installed zigbee2mqtt which is running fine. No zha. When I tried to turn Multiprotocol support on hardware->skyconnect click configure and check ‘enable multiprotocol support’ then submit
it starts the installing. but it fails. and showed ‘The ZHA migration did not succeed.’.
then I check addon silicon labs multiprotocol shows but not started and can not be started. no open thread border router addon.
what did I miss? pls help. Again I have not installed ZHA at all.
Oh? Since when? Any links to share?
I did not said that skyconnect only works with ZHA. I said that the multiprotocol firmware is not currently supported by Z2M.
From Z2M documentation:
This dongle/stick ships with standard Silicon Labs EmberZNet Zigbee NCP (Network Co-Processor, Zigbee only) firmware as opposed to the RCP (Radio Co-Processor, multi-protocol) firmware. It is recommended you remain on an NCP firmware which will allow it to work out-of-the-box like any other EZSP adapter.
While the RCP firmware allows you to utilize the adapter with other protocols such as Thread, it requires offloading large parts of the application onto the host computer using an additional service, Zigbeed (Zigbee daemon) instead. This service is not currently included with Zigbee2MQTT/zigbee-herdsman and you will be required to install and maintain the dependency yourself. More discussion can be found here
What does the multiprotocol Add-On logs show?
You’ve probably already done this but make sure zigbee2mqtt is disabled (i.e. make sure zigbee2mqtt is not using the SkyConnect directly, otherwise the AddOn can’t get to the SkyConnect).
thx for help. When you say disable, you mean stop zigbee2mqtt addon, right? I will do a backup on z2m and whole HA first. Then I will stop zigbee2mqtt and enable multiprotocol support on skyconnect. Lets hope this will work. thx