SkyConnect not finding devices


first I’ve fist had Problems too but then used a longer cable and instead of the USB 2.0 Port side by side of the always in use USB 3.0, I used the USB 2.0 diagonally. All this is on my Raspi 4, Home Assistant in a Docker.

Now at least 98% of my network us working. (1 Device is disconnecting and I have to investigate what triggers the leave and one is not configurable, both should be software and not physics)

I also tried to switch from Devons Stick to SkyConnect, also used a longer cable than before but it can not find any devices for me. The Devons Stick is finding the devices without problem. I tried several restarts, removing and adding integrations without luck. So I will stick with Devons for now I think.

my skyconnect is working now.
I used a cable of 3 meters en it finding my devices at once and have now 2 day’s perfect working.

First attempt at migration from Raspbee II was a partial success, some devices working, but some not. I added a 2 meter cable and now all but except Sengled bulb and an Ikea blind are working. (Both of those had been giving occasional problems on the Raspbee.) However, I’m having trouble adding new devices. The only way I could get an Aqara motion sensor to pair was to put it right next to the SkyConnect stick. Now that it’s paired it seems to be staying connected even when moved away.

I came to this thread because my SkyConnect was not finding any devices either. Even when moving them close to it. I can confirm that adding a longer cable works (I used a 3m long extension cable, but that is probably overkill - I just used it because it was the only one I had lying around :slight_smile: ).

@pkerobinson - the Aqara devices are notorious for having connection issues (they seem to not be fully compliant with Zigbee standards). I have had many issues with them in the past (using zigbee2mqtt), so I have very low expectations that they would work with SkyConnect. I literally have Aqara devices that I am completely unable to pair - no matter how many times I try to reset them, they are never detected.

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I have all Aqara and IKEA Zigbee devices and until Dec 2022 I successfully used a Conbee II stick;
After some HA updates these suddenly stopped working. I tried everything, downgrading, fresh installs, upgrading firmware, buying a SONOFF ZBDongle-P, then ZBDongle-P and finally the SkyConnect Dongle and NONE of these worked for me.
After scouring forums and hearing about using longer extensions I found an old USB hub with a 2 metre lead, and like magic all the dongles worked and everything paired (face palm). I still have no idea why this is now the case but it is the solution to which I have to resort.
Apologies for the rant but this is the solution which works for me now - any USB extension lead 2 metres+.

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Also recommend follow these guidelines → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

I just migrated radio from (zha) deconz ii to (zha) skyconnect.

Managed to get everything to work but not the ikea tradfri bulbs. Flashes fine and pairs and the sort of kicks it self out. Seems to go back from grey to color icons but there is no reaction from
the bulb.

Any known issues?

Same issue here. Migration from Conbee 2 to SkyConnect was fine, but adding new IKEA devices fails. It seemingly connects but then immediately drops off. Existing IKEA devices that were migrated from the Conbee 2 through ZHA work just fine.

There is definitely something wrong with the Skyconnect stick. Migrated back to Conbee II and added the troublesome units and now everything works as it should. The zha_event fires as they should now so my automations started to work as well.

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Could it be that the Ikea Tradfri bulbs became unstable after the latest update? It was working fine for me until I updated yesterday.

I’m not able to use SkyConnect with ZHA. → connection failed error in the last config step.

Any ideas?

Same here Mate. I gave up and back using my ConbeeII happily.

Same issue. This is what I’m seeing

I had the same issue and found an answer somewhere here in the forum.

  1. shutdown the HA host (not only the HA server, the entire host system),
  2. unplugg the stick
  3. start the host and wait for a complete boot
  4. shutdown host again
  5. plugg the stick in again and start the host

Hope it helps


After 3H of tentative… I found your post and it worked ! Thank so much

I wasted the last 3 hours and still haven’t gotten even 1 device to connect.

One person said 20cm. I’m literally touching the Skyconnect and my Zigbee devices together, and they won’t connect.

I’ve tried a 2m USB 2 cable, as well as a 15’ USB 3 cable. All of them plugged into a USB 2 jack on the Raspberry Pi.

My Logbook has nothing:

It’s correctly on channel 25 too!

My life consists of looking at this screen:

All my devices are from IKEA. I just bought them this weekend:


I’ve never used Zigbee in my life. I was excited after seeing peoples’ YouTube videos on the technology and the Skyconnect, but it seems like it’s not possible to get a connection no matter what I do.

I even tried different AAA battery brands. I was using Kirkland (from Costco) but also tried Duracell and a pair from an old Blu-ray player remote.

All batteries measured in the “GOOD” area when I used a battery tester.

The one thing I can think is that I have 8 access points in my house: a mix of UniFi U6 Pro and Enterprise. 2.4GHz is set to “Medium” transmit power, but I also have 114 2.4GHz Wi-Fi devices as well as 40 Bluetooth buttons. This is a pretty noisy house in the 2.4GHz range.

Either way, my Bluetooth LE buttons connect from at least 20’ away, so I can’t believe that it’s just the radio environment.

Also, the Skyconnect chose either channel 20 (once) or 25. I even tried manually setting it to 26 to no avail.

I actually bought two Skyconnects and had one flashed as Thread and the other flashed as Zigbee. Because I thought maybe my radio was a dud, I even flashed the other with the Zigbee firmware, but now I see two Skyconnect adapters even though only one is plugged in:

I don’t understand why not one device will connect. Is there a way I can hook it up to my Windows PC or move it to another device that’s not the Raspberry Pi in the network closet?

I tried the other Skyconnect and now I have 2 Zigbee routers on there too! Anyone know why?

Regardless, I finally figured it out. The IKEA documentation was wrong. It said to hold for 10 or more seconds close to a Zigbee router. You actually need to press the link button 4 times in quick succession, then it turns red and starts to pair. You do need to be close to the device though.

After that, I was able to get everything working on multiple floors even with Channel 11 in use and 8 access points in my house!

That got me too when I started with Zigbee.

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