SkyConnect on Synology VMM not working

Hey there,

I have issues getting the SkyConnect Adapter to work in a Synology VM running HAOS.
The Stick was working wonderful while in use on a Raspberry Pi, then TrueNAS Scale. I have decided to go with synology.

I am seeing the stick in HAOS. I can choose it from the Menue. It shows every information of it. But once I hit next, I get a prompt to choose the Protocol. When picking the EZSP I just get an error that it didn’t work.

I have no clue what else to do. Can somebody please help me with this?

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I just fixed it myself. I had to reflash the Stick. Looks like I had some settings on it that prevented it from working on Synology.

Hello, were you able to do multi-pan after flashing the firmware manually?

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Ich habe das Problem bei mir gelöst und zwar folgt.
Deaktiviert habe ich das Add-on (MQTT Broker) → weiß nicht ob dies entscheident war.
Habe das Add On Zigbee Multi-PAN gelöscht.
SkyConnect auf die Zigbee Firmware aktualisiert und anschließend Zigbee Automation neu eingerichtet und dadurch hat es tatsächlich funktioniert!
USB-Stick war direkt an meiner Synology NAS eingesteckt & an die VM durchgereicht. Hoffe kann hier somit euch helfen, euer Problem auch zu beheben! Viel Erfolg.

Thank you for sharing! This has worked for me as well for Z2M only.

Have you been able to get it working with multipan? I am looking to add thread devices along with ZigBee devices.

@samuelthng leider noch nicht. Habe aktuell noch kein Gerät hierzu.