SkyConnect - Which radio type to select?

So I have HA installed through docker. I plugged in the new SkyConnect that came in and chose to add integration. It gives me a list of radio types but don’t know which to hit. I included a screenshot here.

I read somewhere that it won’t be plug in play when using docker and you have to add it. So I re-deployed the image via portainer adding “host: /dev/ttyUSB0 and container: /dev/ttyUSB0” to the add device option and replaced the old container with it. Then I tried again and before asking about the radios it showed that, which I chose, and then it led back to the same radio types.

Then I remembered I had to do something similar for the zwave dongle via its container. I realized it was using “/dev/serial/by-id/” with the name of the device after as listed in file manager. So I did the same with /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_…yatta yatta yatta-port-0 and with /dev/skyconnect under container. I then tried integrating again and it skipped right to the radio list and still no SkyConnect is listed.

Nothing shows up in the logs or anywhere else. Am I doing things right?


I get the same options, using raspberry Pi 4. I dont seem to successfully migrate :confused:

I really don’t know the answer to your question, but from my research, the SkyConnect has the SiLabs EFR32MG21, and the Zigbee stack for this device is EZSP.

I do wonder since I have seen images online of SkyConnect being listed as SkyConnect for others and not the list I have :confused:

I hope I didn’t wait with anticipation all these months just to get something that won’t ever properly work right :frowning:

Same - migration fails at the end regardless of what I chose “Failed to connect” even though the USB path is correct. I tried ezsp and the default - made no difference. If you get this migration to work I would like to know the resolution.

A pull request was just merged that says SkyConnect is EZSP. No code changes, just adding it to the radio type radio button.

I (still) get the “failed to connect” message. Grr.

That is unfortunate :frowning:

I just nuked my zigbee stack and started over with devices.

finally i got it.

migrated from Conbee 2 to SkyConnect on RPI 4 with HA as docker container.

my docker compose yaml looks like this:

      - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_XXXXXX
      - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1.0_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-if00-port0

unter migration, select EZSP and change the port speed to 115200.

(during the migration, i doesn’t removed the conbee…)


Going to migrate to ua docier from supervisor. Thanks

Cant migrate to Sky Connect, fails to connect.

But the previous screen it finds it ok.


Im using HASOS in Proxmox and passing though the whole USB port.

Any ideas?

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I finally gave up and migrated my install from a docker install to Home Assistant OS installed on a second mini PC. SkyConnect came right up when I inserted it after that. Only thing that I kind of got dinged on was my Z-Wave stick. It works and everything was recognized but my zoOZ water leak sensor shows as Node 3 and reacts differently in automations with diff values so just need to figure out how to use it as a trigger now. Could have been worse.

I have exactly the same issue - has anyone managed to figure this out? I’m unable to use my skyconnect at the moment which is a bit disappointing.

I’m on a rpi4, most of my system is on zwave, two years old installation, just plugged in the skyconnect and then selected add integration " Zigbee Home Automation"

First time, only usb0:usb0 path showed, tried a few more times, then Skyconnect showed. Selected it and pressed continue, came to the screen shown above where to set port speed etc, tried a few times, failed every time.
Tried a to install “Zigbee Home Automation” for a 10th time or something, then it just worked.

Not much of an advise really, but just try again a few times and eventually it just works. I didnt reboot, didnt change any hardware, didnt leave the integration screen… Just tried until it got tired and accepted haha