I’ve just migrated my Zigbee network from Deconz / Conbee II to ZHA / SkyConnect and I’m having a bit of a nightmare. If anyone could help with an of the following issues I’m experiencing I’d be extremely grateful.
Firstly, I have end devices dropping off the network all the time. The worst culprits are 3 Hue motion sensors, two of them in particular. They just get stuck in a given state and the occupancy never updates again. This happens more than once per day per device. They start working again if I re-pair then the same thing happens a while later. I have one other Hue motion sensor that appears to be working perfectly. All motions sensors are on the same firmware.
I have a similar issue with Aqara door open sensors, although these can either stop sending state updates or just go unavailable. Again, re-pairing makes them work again for a while.
Another issue is that the SkyConnect sometimes locks up after a system restart and the ZHA integration fails to load. The only way to resolve this is to unplug and replug in the USB stick. This has happened twice in about 4 days. I updated the firmware after the second time so I’ll see if this improves it at all.
I tend to bind my switches to bulbs and I’ve noticed that the front end is extremely slow to notice a state change on the lights when they are changed via a bound switch, it can take over a minute for the front end to realise a light has changed state. This doesn’t seem to affect ZHA groups which become expose as entities, these appear to update instantly but unfortunately only groups with more than 1 device appear as entities so I can’t even work around this. Any way to force even groups of one to become entities?
For a bit of background I’ve had the network running for over 3 years with Deconz with the same Zigbee devices and I’ve not had any of these issues before, the network was quite stable previously. I have about 80 Zigbee devices on the network, about 40 are routers and 40 are end devices. Almost all routers are Hue bulbs with approx 5 Innr bulbs and smart plugs. End devices are either Hue motion sensors and switches or Aqara openclose / water / smoke sensors.
Is it likely that the instability is due to the SkyConnect or ZHA? Is changing to ZHA / Conbee II likely to improve the situation (i.e SkyConnect is to blame) or is it more likely the ZHA is causing the issues? I really don’t want to have to fail back to Deconz, it look me like two days to migrate everything across.