I’m having the same problem. The push events are flaky, sometimes it will register 2 or three in a row, but then it wont’ see any for the next 10 minutes or so. My conbee worked great, but skyconnect seems to not pick up on everything. Oddly, though, it picks up dimming events just fine. For whatever reason it’s just the clicks that seem to fall through the cracks
Did this ever get resolved? I recently tried to migrate everything over to skyConnect instead of multiple unconnected Zigbee meshes, but this issue might force the hue hub back on.
I was using the Conbee II stick and was using events for my aqara rocker and cube. Tried to use the command ZHA_event but that does not seem to work and I cannot seem to find another way to solve this?
My Skyconnect really struggled with the old Philips Motion sensor to the point where I had to switch them to the Hue Bridge again. They just suddenly stopped working. Even after repairing them countless times. They work now, but the Hue Bridge lags more compared to having them directly connected.
I’m still having some issues with my older Aqara motions sensors, where I would assume it’s around those 95% mentioned earlier in this thread.
My experience with the Skyconnect compared to the Conbee II is that it works more reliable overall. I had more sensors dropping randomly with the Conbee, however it seems that the range of the Skyconnect is slightly worse. Hard to tell, as this is a more qualitative than quantitative assessment.
This is also the reason i wanted to try the latest firmware for the Skyconnect, which at the time of writing is compared to which is being pushed through the Webflasher and the Homeassistant addon. I struggle a bit though on how to reliably flash this to my Skyconnect.