Sleep timer - lower volume over time

Hi! Currently I have in place:

  • a timer, timer.sleep_timer
  • an automation that starts the timer and music on media_player.speaker, and
  • an automation that stops the music when the timer runs out.

So far, everything’s good and works great! But now I’ve started to think about if it’s possible to decrease the volume on the speaker as we get closer to the timer finishing… so it sort of fades out…

But I’m stuck on what would be the best and smartest way to implement this… the speaker also makes a sound every time the volume is changed, so would be nice if it didn’t changed too often.

I’m having a hard time coming up with how I could set up an automation(s) that calculates a new volume to be set, and also how to run this repeatedly while the timer runs…? Anyone done this?

Thankful for any inspiration or ideas to get started! :pray:

At first when I searched the forums I couldn’t find anything, but then I found this:

Should solve my use case perfectly :star: