Slider Direction in Mushroom Cover Integration for Blinds Control?

I would like to use the Mushroom Cover integration to control the opening and closing of my blinds. However, I’ve noticed that the slider in the Mushroom interface behaves oppositely to what I expect. In Home Assistant, the position is correctly displayed, where 0% indicates the blinds are fully down (closed).

I would like the Mushroom interface to reflect the same behavior, where a full slider (100%) represents the blinds being fully down (closed) and 0% indicates the blinds are fully open. How can I adjust this so that the slider in Mushroom matches the correct position logic from Home Assistant?

nobody can help me?

i don’t think you can swap that with mushroom card. and in fact, home assistant normally defines 0% as closed and 100% as open. some integrations have that swapped (including my lutron :frowning: ). to get it all right, i think you may end up needing to create a template cover that flips 100 and 0, and use this template cover instead.

something like this maybe:

  - platform: template
        device_class: shade
        position_template: "{{ 100 - states('cover.original_cover').position | int }}"
          service: cover.close_cover
            entity_id: cover.original_cover
          service: cover.open_cover
            entity_id: cover.original_cover
          service: cover.set_cover_position
            entity_id: cover.original_cover
            position: "{{ 100 - position }}"

replace cover.oriinal_cover with the original name of your cover.

Thank you! I think the solution might work.

Sorry, a quick question (I’m new to this world): how do I create the template? Specifically, where should I insert the code?

you put it in your configuration.yaml

take a look here for more details:

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