Slideshow with google photos


Im super new in the home assistant world ^^ im wondering if there is a way to add a card with a slideshow of google photos or the photos which are in goolge drive? If yes, i would be thankfull if you can show me how or linked a page where a description is.

Hello and Welcome to Home Assistant! :grinning:
There is already an integration available for this exact purpose, but it is not officially supported by Home Assistant and is instead a custom integration.
Custom integrations are maintained by members of the community but not the Home Assistant team.

Most custom integrations can be found in the Home Assistant Community Store, which is in itself a custom integration repository that is used to manage updates for other custom integrations.
You can find out more about HACS including how to install here:

A custom integration that can do just as you ask is the Google Photos custom integration:

It is a little complicated to setup, but the GitHub has a great step by step walkthrough. You can use the picture card in the GitHub to actually display your photos as well.

If you need anymore help with this feel free to ask me as custom integrations are advanced features. Welcome to Home Assistant! :smiley:

Thank you :hugs: okay thats sound great, but… i installed HA via docker, so no HACS avaliable.

The thing was, i want ton run HA and Display on one device (Raspberry). So how i understand was docker the only one solution.

Its possible to install thesw customs addons without hacs?

And i have an another question :sweat_smile: if im log in HA on my pc the changes dont show me on the raspberry. The same if i change things on raspberry, it dont show me on pc. Why? I really have to customize the screen on both devices seperate?

Sorry for my bad english :grimacing:

yay, you can ignoring the first part of my answer before. i installed hacs, and also google_photos. thank you very much for your adwise. i just click on the two links from you and found the way to the solution :smiley:

now im still wondering about the change thing. for example, if i change the color of the dasboard on pc there is still the old color on the raspberry. is that normal?

You will probably need to refresh the webpage on the Raspberry PI whenever you make a change on PC.

i refreshed both webpages, on pc and also on raspberry. then i restart both devices. but it didnt work. on pc i changed color in grey. on raspberry it was still the blue standard theme. also i changed the side icons, but on raspberry, are still the standard icons. not the same with cards. if i change them on pc, they changed also on raspberry. so i dont know if its normal or not :sweat_smile:

When you talk about changing the color, are you talking about themes?
Themes changed in user settings:

are device specific. You can change the default theme on all devices by using the frontend.set_theme service: