Slimme Lezer and recording every second. States table growth

Hi all,

Since I installed the Slimme Lezer the energy consumption is measured and updated every second. This is great to see in HA, but it also generated a lot of recording entries in the states table.
This also causes the history graph to load very slow, but very detailed:


Is there a way of adjusting the (default) scan interval. For example, only record the current state once every x seconds?
If this is no option, then maybe adjusting the update interval of the Slimme Lezer (ESPHome)? I love to see the realtime update though :wink:

The SlimmeLezer outputs data every second because the smartmeter does it and the SlimmeLezer only forwards the received data to HA.
You could try using the “heartbeat” sensor filter, with which you define the interval, how often ESPHome updates the sensor output regardless of the actual input change.

Great, that worked!
Thank you, AdmiralStipe!

Still hoping there is an option seeing data per second, but recording it per x seconds :wink:
Maybe someone else does have ideas.

Still hoping there is an option seeing data per second, but recording it per x seconds

I doubt it… recorder saves the data as it changes - every time on change, so every sensor change is recorded (unless excluded, but in this case it’s not recorded at all).