Slimmelezer not detecting gas consumed

Hello all,

I recently bought the slimme lezer and it is detecting energy usage fine,
but i can not seem to get the gas consumed working.
My slimmelezer is running esphome v2021.10.1 and i have already tried to set the gas mbus id to 2 as documented in Dsmr updates by glmnet · Pull Request #2157 · esphome/esphome · GitHub

my slimmelezer is connected to is a landis gyr e350

how can i debug this?

Thanks in advance for any help,


i found this website with more information about the output of the e350 Read data from the Landis + Gyr E350 smart meter – QUASSI

I have the same issue. I have a different smart meter, but my home assistant only recieves entities for power consumption not for gas. I have not checked telnet reading yet.