Slovakia - Bratislava (Capital City) - Bus Schedule

Is it possible to create new integration for Home Assistant ? :
Slovakia - Bratislava (Capital City) - Bus Schedule

Bratislava has open data on page

API Open Data Bratislava

This is the page where it is implemented

I suggest you to use/display (with an iframe/webpage card) the below in your homeassistant, it does not provide any sensor which you could use in some automations, but it displays “actual” data with the current delays, if any.

You just have to search for your stop on , and then grab the link to the iframe from the source code, the only thing that changes is the “st” at the end which represents a different stop.

DĂşfam Ĺľe pomĂ´Ĺľe :wink:

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

This is a very old post but thank you for this. I have also implemented it in my HA dashboard. I wish there would be a sensor though that could feed the data to HA directly (not via iframe)!