Slow reaction from Z-wave

I have a Tellstick Znet Lite v2 and a Z-wave door sensor.
I use the Telldus Live component.
It works, but it can take up to 30 seconds for HA to notice that the door sensor is triggered.
I’m guessing HA checks the status once in a while.
Is there a way to have HA triggered when the door sensor is triggered?

You could up the polling rate, but if this is a battery operated sensor keep in mind that polling too much may run the battery down. Also you could see if the sensor has a Hail option in OZWCP; this will send a state change message out when it happens rather than waiting for a polling.

You could tail of the openzwave log file to see exactly when information is sent and received:

SSH into your PI (I am assuming) and tail the Open Zwave Log:

tail -f /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/OZW_Log.txt

See what happens when you trigger motion if the messages are even being received by your Stick and when…

I just installed HA on a Raspberry.
I can’t find the ozw_log.
But I don’t think I’m using Open Zwave?
I’m using Tellstick Live.
Or am I mixing things up?

I don’t think Tellstick uses Zwave. It uses 433 mhz, right?

The Tellstick Znet Lite v2 does :slight_smile:
I have a Coolcam door sensor (Z-wave) and a Telldus Z-wave wall plug.
As I said, it works, but sloooooow.
I open the door, 30 seconds later, the wall plug reacts.

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