Slow Xbox Media Status Updates

Hi all -

From both the Media Player card and automations, I’m seeing lagging updates to Xbox media playing state status.

If I hit pause on the Xbox media player card from Lovelace, Xbox will pause, but the card won’t quickly update (30 seconds to a minute?), making the UI an unreliable remote control.

I see similar behavior for automations I create. Even when I force an update (homeassistant.update_entity), it’s quicker, but still in the 30 second range.

Ideally, I’d like to see near instantaneous updates in both the HA UI and automations. Does anyone know how I can get closer to real time updates?

Thanks in advance!

Doubtful you ever will. I use the same integration but only in an informational capacity on my various panels fornthw exact reason mentioned. Its slow to update.

Using the integration, behind the scene, your Xbox needs to report to XBL. While XBL runs in Azure, BUT I believe it then must talk to an additional Azure instance to format web wervice messages and respond to subscribers for data egress (this instance may or may not be the same data center as your XBL connection in MSFTs current infrastructure) then finally Azure talks to the integration on your HA instance. So not one but possibly TWO cloud hops. (granted the ones inside MSFT infrastructure are blindingly fast, we’re talking exabyte speeds, here.)

The only way to ‘speed it up’ is talking directly to the xbox. (which afaik unless you have your Xbox set up as a dev kit and roll some code you’re not doing at the levels required to get the info the integration provides)

@NathanCu, I very much appreciate the response and sanity check! Happy holidays!