I have 13 sensors which are updateing every 2 seconds, not all in the same time… and I have created a template sensor, in order to have the SUM of those 13 sensors, but this template sensor it is updating like crazy fast, and it is logical to do so, but still… there in any way to slow it down? To make it show the update every 2 seconds only?
Create a Trigger-based Template Sensor with a Time Pattern Trigger that triggers every 15 seconds (or whatever interval you prefer). The Trigger-based Template Sensor will compute the sum every 15 seconds exclusively (not when any of the 13 sensors changes state).
Hmmm… I see you done something different about sum calculation, I don’t understand nothing, except “sum” and “round” But I will use it like you told me.
I made a mistake in the example’s Time Pattern Trigger. The 15 should be /15 to indicate the trigger should occur every 15 seconds (change the value to whatever you prefer but ensure it’s prefixed with a slash). I have corrected the example posted above.
The template uses a different approach, to add the values of 13 sensors, simply to demonstrate that there’s often more than one way to achieve the goal. If you wish, you can replace it with your template.