"Sluggish" Home Assistant

I have a hassos-installation on a i5-4570T with 16G RAM and a 120G SSD.
I run all my automations in Node Red, and my zigbee-devices are handled by Zigbee2MQTT with a SONOFF ZBDongle-P.
The problem I have experienced the last months are that after a while after rebooting things seems “sluggish”.
Automations that are triggered by zigbee-buttons might take up to 5-10 seconds before beeing activated.
Same with automations which should be activated by motion sensors.
Turning on and off devices are snappy from the webui, but not when automations are involved.
I’m not expecting a direct solution, but if there is someone that could point me to where to search for problems, I would be a happy puppy. Like log files or activating debug.

Set up cpu and memory % sensors and watch them.

Probably some process is causing high cpu/memory usage so system is feeling sluggish. Nothing else come to my mind.

Could it be zigbee network specific issues?

I don’t think so. It seems that when activating for instance lightbulbs from the UI, things are snappy most of the time.

I already have quite good monitoring of the system via node_exporter and grafana:

and I cannot see any major spikes. The memory usage might be a bit concerning, but it’s “RAM cache and buffer”, so it should not be a problem.

Well as I can see you do have a bit high cpu and mem usage. My system on i3 using 19 % cpu and 50% of ram out of 8 gb running 23 containers. I don’t count swap. And I run frigate on cpu detectors.