SLZB-06 Router problems

Hello Everybody,
i hope somebody has a hint for me to solve the following problem:
Im using a SLZB-06 as a zigbee coordinator ind HA mit z2m. This works fine.
Now i have a second SLZB and flashed it to router mode.
I cannot add it to my existing SLZB as a router device. The log of z2m shows nothing and also the log of the slzb’s. The only thing is that i can read is: [09:19:18] api | Router reconnect after clicking on Reconnect …

What can I do?

Thanks and regards

This might be a stupid question, but you are enabling pairing mode in Z2M?

yes. If you mean the regular pairng… same as pairing an new device?

Yes. It should be picked up then. Try reflashing it.

I switched back to coordinator and the again zu router => no change…

Do you have any further ideas?

I paired other devices with the first stick without any problems, so this is working fine…

Once you enable join, did you press “Router Reconnect” on the web interface of the one you want to use as router?

yes… i tryed both ways 1st in the gui and 2nd in HA under Servceses and Devices => the Log in the SLZ Route only says " api | Router reconnect"
The Log in the SLZ Coordinator says nothing and in th HA Log there is also nothing :frowning:

I switched back to coordinator and connected the Stick to my HA Test Machine as a coordinator just to see if zigbee is working => no problems

After dis - and enabling “Permit Join” under MQTT => Zigbee2MQTT Bridge I finaly could connect the 2. SLZB.
I will try this again with a third one…


I am in the same boat as you. Can’t get it to pair. What do you mean with dis - and enabling “Permit Join” under MQTT ?
Did it work in the same way for your third one ?

Hello, I’m facing the same problem. Can’t pair the SLZB-06 in router mode to Z2M ? I’ve tried to disable/Enable the “Permit Join” without success. Any Idea ?

I finally got one to pair but afterwards it became unavailable. Not sure what to do

Exactly the same problem here. No luck connecting the SLZB-06 in router mode to my zigbee2mqtt network. Tried all the steps listed above… Any solution for this?