SLZB-06 Zigbee and Clipsal Wiser Devices

Hi All, new to Zigbee.

I’ve got a SLZB-06 with the hopes of using a Clipsal (Schneider-Electric) Wiser CLP599WSAL Smoke Alarm without the expensive Clipsal Wiser Hub. I found that this should be possible with The SLZB-06 - it’s powered by PoE and integrated with HA automatically without any issues. I have it setup as a Zigbee Coordinator as I believe that’s all I need. I haven’t installed the Zigbee2MQTT repositories AddOn as it appeared to integrate fine.

Adopting the CLP599WSAL appeared straightforward - press the S/R button three times and it’s light flashes Amber indicating pairing mode. However, it took a few attempts for the Zigbee discovery to find it. After three attempts, and reading you may have to press the S/R button 12 times to put it into “Zigbee mode”, it appeared and paired.

I could then add it to a card on the dashboard. Happy days!

This lasted for around 2 minutes before I noticed the temp stats remained at 24°C and I pressing the ‘Identify’ button didn’t make the unit flash green as it had done before. OK, so lets try again, I factory reset the unit and notice the stats in HA go to ‘unavailable’?

Maybe it was communicating? so I repair (again taking a few attempts) and then left it all day. The temp stats remained as 24°C when I know it got upwards of 30°C.

The SLZB-06 WebGUI appears healthy so I am lost as to whats going on here.
I read that WiFi interference could be at play so changed the network channel from Smart to 11. No change. The two are 1m apart.

SLZB-06 Core firmware version: v2.3.6
HA Core 2025.1.2
HA Supervisor 2024.12.3
HA Operating System 14.1