SMA sensor warning

Please could one of the cognoscenti explain why since the latest update (0.98) I have been getting the following in my log:
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sma.sensor] “sensors” should be a simple list from 0.99

And please could you explain what I should do to stop this warning?

Thanks @grantc for providing the link.
@kellerza, has there been any movement on being able to have two SMA entities listed please? I have two SMA Sunnyboy inverters but I am only able to view one or the other.
Thank you for your help with this.

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Recent versions of the pysma library extracts the ID, but there are still some changes required on the hass component side.

Will update once I do this. We’re moving house in the next 2 months and it will probably be a while before I get another SMA.