SMA Solar Integration

I used the ‘user’ login with ssl enabled and ssl verification disabled

Do you confirm that all sensor and values coming from the Energy meter are well integrated in HA? I ask the question because some guys installs the SMA energy meter addon to integrate these values via MQTT into HA.

I see the Energy Meter in the Inverter config. It is added via speedwire.
From my SMA SB 4.0 i can get the values ‘SB4.0-1AV-41 204 metering_power_absorbed’ and ‘SB4.0-1AV-41 204 metering_power_supplied’. These are the actual power in and power out (from/to the grid). This info must come from the Energy Manager.

In the SMA config I can also see the total power out and in, but the SMA integration is only providing total power in. I didn’t look into that any further bacause, in my case I use for the total grid in and out values, the ‘official’ meter data from the energy company via the P1 interface.

Hi Werner
did you get the success integration with your SMA?
I have the same problem as you.
In my current experiment, I found I can open this per browser within (that means I have to loggin in and open SMA Energy Meter).
But it is blocked outside I really do not know.
If you find any solution, please share it with me.


unfortunately I didn’t find a solution.
I would be happy if someone can help.
The problem with old SMA systems is that they probably don’t run with the integration.

I would be happy to hear from you again.

Greeting Werner

Hello, I would try it with SMA Modbus, there are also contributions here in the forum that could help.

Boy Stefan

@bertreb is this conclusion correct: If I connect to the SMA inverter with the SMA integration and to the official meter from the energy company via exp. DSMR Slimme Meter with the DSMR integration I will see in the HA energy dashboard the energy used from the grid, the energy produced by the Inverter + the energy from the inverter to the grid. It is not necessary to add an extra SMA energy meter or Sunny Home Manager 2.0, correct?

U wil get this:

@BrunoVoeten this is correct. SMA inverter uses an Energy Meter to get the grid in/out data and use it in their dashboard. But for HA Energy Dashboard you don’t need an Energy Meter. You can use the utility energy meter directly (via one of the Smart Meter integrations) and use only the solar data via the SMA integration (sensor.pv_gen_meter); like you’re planning to do.

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Problem over here: ‘Can’t connect’
How do I know if I’m user or installer? I have an emailadress and login for the sunnyportal but cant find if I’m installer or user.
I used the password ‘to login tot the sunnyportal website’ for the integration but looks like it doesnt work…

Any tips?

Hello Mvanimpe,

it is not the sunnyportal login.

You need your local login which you can use to access your device via your browser.

If you do not have this login, ask your installer.


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thank you - i ll look into that

Servus, was genau ist der Modbus und wie finde ich heraus ob mein SMA Wechselrichter damit arbeitet?

Servus an alle. Also ich habe 2 PV-Anlagen mit SMA Wechselrichtern. Beide sind im Sunny-Portal angemeldet, von beiden habe ich die IP-Adresse und Passwort. An beiden kann ich mich direkt, über Sunny-App und Sunny 360° App anmelden. Und zwar als Installateur und als Benutzer!
Jetzt versuche ich die Wechselrichter in HA mit dem SMA Add-On einzubinden. Host ist gleich IP, richtig?
Passwort ist auch klar! Trotzdem bekomme ich nur “Verbindung fehlgeschlagen” :frowning:
Muss ich noch irgendeinen Schlüssel/Zertifikat erzeugen oder einen Port im Wechselrichter freischalten??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hello, unfortunately only English is written here. Please use the google translator to translate messages and post them in English.
If you search here under SMA Modbus you will find what you are looking for. You need the Sunnyexplorer there you have to register as an installer and then see the picture.
If you don’t get along with it, there is an alternative SBFSpot that works too.


The problem is that many (like me) have an older system without Modbus. Therefore, integration via the Suuny portal would be the best solution for everyone.

As far as I know, there is another possibility, which is not very reliable, and that is to access and link directly to the website, but you have to search for it yourself. Normally, the WRs have at least one Bluetooth interface, which means that the WR can also be read out with the help of SBFSpot or a communication interface/
Retrofit Speedwire Webconnect. If you send me the exact data/designation of your WR I can tell you what is possible. If you can read out your inverter with the Sunny Home Explorer, it should definitely have Bluetooth and work with SBFSpot.

Hello i just wanted to inform everybody here in this thread that the problem i had with the integration was the pasword.

If the pasword is longer then 12 characters the integration will not work.

This is a failure from SMA.

Ich hatte ebenfalls das Problem, dass die Integration nicht funktioniert hat und es lag am Passwort.
Das Passwort muss kürzer als 12 Zeichen lang sein.

Viele Grüße

Hello Community,

i have a Sunny Tripower 10.0
I installed the SMA Integration and logged in as a User. Now i see all kinds of Entitys.
But how do i get the power consumption of my home. I see it in the App, but none of the Sensors are showing it.

Can someone help?

Thanks, Steve

Edit:// I see a lot of hidden Entitys. I see total and current consumption. But they are not available. Why?

Can someone please explain what password is?

I have a Sunny Portal account with username (email address) and password, but how does this relate to the single password field in the SMA integration?