Thanks for the screenies. I had been about to write to nakla on your closed issue on github when you replied.
Hi nakla,
I’m an idiot who doesn’t understand paths or UID and GIDS with linux.
I am using Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) with docker and portainer, and using Home Assistant.
I have gotten SBFspot up and running and working using the SBFspot-config install.
I am trying to use your docker install and keep smashing into this error
/etc/sbfspot/SBFspot.cfg is not readable by user with ID 5000.
Please change file permissions accordingly and restart the container.
I import the image into portainer and start the container with putty cmd
sudo docker run --network host -e "DB_STORAGE=mariadb" -e "ENABLE_SBFSPOT=1" -e "ENABLE_SBFSPOT_UPLOAD=1"
-v /path/to/your/config/dir/on/host:/etc/sbfspot -v /path/to/your/data/dir/on/host:/var/sbfspot nakla/sbfspot:latest
I have created an sbfspot user and can log in with root access. I have chown the SBFspot.cfg and SBFspotUpload, and some seemingly relevant directories. I just can’t seem to find the correct path.
The SBFspot-config install path installs to
I have tried various locations
Ok forget most of the above, I’m just leaving it to show how much of an idiot I am.
So I am new to docker. So I need to get my head around the user thing. I set up a manual container from your screenshots. I am still getting the same error. I am using putty and WinSCP to move stuff around, on my host e.g. user root or pi@raspberrypi
The container makes a new file system under the {user sbfspot}, which isn’t accessible with WinSCP?
correct I think.
The volume mapping in the container setup, binds {user spfspot directories} to {user pi directories}
so there shouldn’t be any need to create a new user on the pi host? no need to mess with file ownership etc…?? So the blanked name in your screenshots should be pi for me?
the ownership there should be owner: group pi:pi? Is that the correct location or am I totally lost?
the hostname in your screenshots should be raspberrypi for me also? that’s correct I think(although may change if it was HAOS)
I am using MQTT and MariaDB addons from within home assistant for the standard sbfspot-config setup.