Hi all,
It would be very nice to have an integration for the SMA SunnyHomeManager 2.0 / SMA Energymeter in HA.
Vendor Homepage: SUNNY HOME MANAGER 2.0 | SMA Solar
API: not available but the SMA SHM is “multicasting” all needed information via network multicast datagrams to the local network. There is an implementation of fetching, decoding and sending this information to MQTT, influxdb and so on, but there is no HA integration to the best of my knowledge. There is GitHub - datenschuft/SMA-EM: SMA Energymeter measurement which is working fine and in active development.
Also ioBroker is having something: hxxps://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.sma-em
Maybe someone would find the time to write an integration to visualise more information about power usage, house usage, photovoltaic production, battery usage and so on.
I am very capable of helping to test this integration because i am having a a SMA PV inverter, battery inverter, battery, SMA SHM2.0 and working SMA-EM daemon for debugging purposes.