Currently I use a Fibaro Wall-Plug to show, whether all my windows are closed. I have modiefied its settings, so that it is green when switched OFF, and red when it´s ON. I have set up a rule that if all windows are closed the Wall Plug will be switched OFF. This is placed next to my door. If the Wall Plug is red, I can have a look on my wall mounted tablet next to the Wall Plug and can have a look, which window is open before I leave the house. I can also see the light from outside through the kittchen window.
I am looking now for an alternative to the Wall Plug. I will get away from Z-Wave and my Fibaro devices for some reasons. I am now looking far a small device, which I can ideally can plug in and that shows me whether all windows are closed or not …
Current systems / techiques in place: WLAN, LAN, Phillips Hue, Homematic,
Any suggestions?
Why not just look at the tablet?
Therefor I have to stand in front of it, have to activate it, have to wait … it is much more conveniant to have a light, that show´s it. And after I have left the house, I can also see it from outsight through the window of the kittchen. And last but not least: a red light will be much more recognized by all who live in the house … if you know what I mean …