I’ve been using a closed source alarm panel from a chinese oem called smanos.
Looks like it is just a rebranded chuango for the western markets.
The panel is w100 and provides no api.
Came upon a security cve about this panel that it makes it vulnerable from an attacker on the same network.
I managed making use of that cve to get the payload for arming,disarming and setting to home mode l.
These are enough data to automate the panel with a bash script using netcat.
Its a 2018 panel so if anyone left over with it this might be helpfull.
You’ll need your device id.
Save CVE-2019-13361/poc.py at 75712ea4d6308d2c2d5bc3693b27170da6869cc9 · lodi-g/CVE-2019-13361 · GitHub as a .py file
usage: a [-h] [-p PORT]
ip wifi_ssid wifi_password
e.g. script.py mywifi 123456
It will return:
set_wifi: receiving: b'CGWPSC030000deviceid**\r'
set_wifi: device_id: b'xxxxxx**'
disarm: sending: b'CGWPCS53xxxxxxxxxx**2'
disarm: receiving: b'CGWPSC53xxxxxxxxxxxxx**1001\r'
Your payload is what the device returned as "disarm: sending: "
The number after ** is the Mode: 0/1/2 ; Disarm/Arm/home
Knowing the payload you can use it to any script to change the panels mode
I created 3 scripts under config/shell_scripts/
And made them executable chmod +x
They are identical only the last number of the payload changes.
# Function to send payload and exit after 10 second
send_payload() {
{ echo -n "$payload" | nc -w 10 "$ip" "$port"; } > /dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 1
kill %1
# Main
And added to the configuration.yaml
w100_home: /config/shell_scripts/w100_home.sh
w100_disarm: /config/shell_scripts/w100_disarm.sh
w100_arm: /config/shell_scripts/w100_arm.sh
Restart home assistant
You can use the scripts as actions in automation.
My example with voice assistant
alias: W100 arm
description: ""
- platform: conversation
- alarm on
- Turn on alarm
- Turn-on alarm
- Turnon alarm
- Turn on the alarm
condition: []
- service: shell_command.w100_arm
data: {}
mode: single
- I’m totally new with home assistant and not an advanced user at all. Scripts and integration my not be polished .
- Thanks to @tetele and @Tinkerer on the discord server that helped me out
Decompiled the android app.
Uploaded the relative java class containg the payload info W100 - Pastebin.com
It may contain addidtional info for further use cases.