I have been working on a Home Assistant integration for the Omlet Smart Chicken Coop Door - GitHub - krozgrov/ha-omlet-integration: Custom Home Assistant integration for Omlet devices, enabling monitoring and control of Autodoors and related devices. Includes features like battery level monitoring, door/light control, and real-time updates via API., it’s still a work in progress but I have a lot of the functionality working. Omlet has a great, well documented SDK! You can send commands like door (open/close) and light (on/off) and view all of the information availability from the API. Feedback appreciated, go easy its my first integration attempt. I want to be able to use the Sun2 integration to send the current sun rise and set times to the door. The light sensor works fine but with tree coverage it’s not always accurate. Cheers! Hope someone finds this useful!
I just wanted to say thank you! We’re using this on our new Chicken Coop Dashboard and it works perfectly.
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