Smart Baby Monitor

Thank you for your reply.
I’m using Hass, therefore I don’t have access to the underlying machine. It was my understanding that in the car of hassio the ffmpeg binary would be handled automatically

The car of hassio?

Sorry, I wrote it from my mobile phone and it corrected the spelling.

The word was “case”. In case someone is using hassio, there’s no access to the underlying system, everything is in docker containers. I read that when using hassio, the system is already configured for using ffmpeg. Those was old posts. Maybe something is changed,

There is no hassio.

It’s hassio to me…

The word hassio does not appear on that page. has been renamed to Home Assistant. The old Home Assistant python app is now called core. See also

The page url is (i assume) an historical artefact. It is a common mistake to still cal it hassio - not always aided by sometimes outdated references in the docs.

Any I believe ffmpeg is included in ha operating system, but I am not currently using it to check.

I’m trying to make a smart baby monitor according the instructions.

I have installed Raspbian lite. I’m using the ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array. I have tested it is working fine and I have executed the following on the baby device.

ffmpeg -f alsa -i plughw:1,0 -vn -f rtp rtp://

But my ffmpeg_noise binary sensor is always on.

It seems to be the white noise, it is working with

ffmpeg -ar 8000 -f alsa -i ac108 -filter_complex \
  "compand=attacks=0:points=-30/-900|-20/-20|0/0|20/20" \-acodec mp2 -b:a 128k -f rtp rtp://
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I have the same problem using the mic of a usb webcam with the same command , sensor is always on, the command that worked for you doesn’t seem to do the same for me however. Any suggestions?

Is there any chance someone making a tutorial video of how to set up a smart baby monitor with a raspbarry? I just can’t understand how I do this out of the text

What hardware are you using?

Than ask questions. :wink: A video doesn’t make sense, as all of the instructions need to be typed (or copied from a text). :wink:

What you obviously need is a Pi and a microphone or a built-in microphone in an IP camera. Do you have that? :slight_smile:

I’m not getting any audio on my ffmpeg stream, but I do when I try in VLC. Nothing in the logs relating to it, so not sure where to go. Googling suggests the ffmpeg stream containing audio isn’t supported by HA, but they were old threads so am assuming it is supported now?

Expecting our first child soon and am trying to get this working. I have everything setup and am using a a Wyze v3 camera with the RTSP firmware and it seems to be integrated fine. Unfortunately the ffmpeg sensor seems to trip immediately upon activation and I cant figure out why. I’ve tried many of the tweaks above and it seems to have the same issue.

Is there a way to debug this using the “live” readouts from ffmpeg so I can figure out if its a peak issue, a frequency issue, or something else?

I tried to get this working as well but the sensor switches to ‘unavailable’ shortly after the binary sensor turns on. If I disable the ‘output’ part of the configuration then it turns on and off, but I don’t get any output to my icecast server. Is there some way to debug / log what might be going wrong?

@denis.besir I know this is a very old thread, but would you please give me a hint how and which extra parameters of your example I need to add to “extra_arguments:” ?

I’ve just spent 30 minutes looking at ffmpeg and compand manuals, and I am totally lost here.


sorry, forgot to quote what I was refering to:

ffmpeg -ar 8000 -f alsa -i ac108 -filter_complex \
  "compand=attacks=0:points=-30/-900|-20/-20|0/0|20/20" \-acodec mp2 -b:a 128k -f rtp rtp://

Is it possible to have more then one camera monitored? We have two little ones and I need to monitor two cameras for sounds. I tried duplicating the config that I had working for the first camera with a different name for the second and a different feed… but then it only shows the sensor now for the second one in the config. Just wanted to confirm if anyone has this working for multiple cameras or if its limited to only 1.

were you ever able to solve this issue?