So I’ve got a weird bug that started happening since yesterday. I’ve recently bought a new lamp, some innr zigbee RGBW smart bulbs (these) and installed them in my living room. I’ve paired them with my Zigbee2MQTT addon, and in the addon itself put all 6 bulbs into one group to change light temperature/color easier.
That said, when I turn them off at the light switch, they take about 10+ seconds to turn off, and they have a slight gradual dimming turn off phase. What surprises me is that behind the light switch is simple Fibaro Dimmer relay, the light switch itself is a momentary switch. So what I’d expect to happen is when I hit the switch, the dimmer relay cuts electricity to the lamp and all lamps should instantly turn off. This is the case with another lamp in the same room and with the same configuration. I’m not even sure where to start looking to troubleshoot this, anyone got an idea?
Just curious why you would basically double up the ‘smart’ level here? Seems a bit superfluous. But aside from that: do you have the option to put the Innr lights behind a true ‘on/off’ switch (so not behind the Fibaro)? I’ve got two Innr bulbs (E14 fitting candles) that are now a few years old but I haven’t seen them behave like you describe. From your description it nearly feels like a software or Zigbee delay. I’ve had lights take ages to switch on or off when I had some connectivity issues.
It grew historically that way. I had a dimmer relay there first with dumb light bulbs, then I wanted to do fancy circadian lighting light changes and got smart light bulbs. I figured out through the help of the forum that the combination of smart dimmer + smart bulbs is a no no, so I only intended to leave the dimmer so I can turn on/off electricity to the bulbs and have them behave like a normal dumb switch.
do you have the option to put the Innr lights behind a true ‘on/off’ switch (so not behind the Fibaro)?
unfortunately no, the actual light switch button is a momentary switch, so it only sends a pulse and the fibaro relay toggles itself on/off based on that pulse. If I unplug the Fibaro relay, the light bulb would function like a door bell: it’ll only be on when the light switch is pressed and held.
I also thought about some delay in connectivity but it feels like once the physical light switch is pressed and the Fibaro relay goes to off, electricity should be cut to the light bulbs and they shouldn’t even be able to idle in the on state since they get no juice.
It’s double confusing because I have the same lamp, same innr light bulbs, same fibaro dimmer relay on the other switch in the room and it works as expected: once the physical switch is pressed, it immidiately goes off.
Ah, history I know how that works… But yeah, you ideally want the Zigbee devices (lights and other gear that you might get over time) to always be powered, so they can help maintain the network. I don’t know if you can separate the input from the relay with the Fibaro relays like you can with (some of the) Shellys. Then you can basically always have power to your lights, and use the event that the switch creates to send a command to your zigbee lights. But that doesn’t solve your problem of course….
To be honest, that has me stumped since as you say: normally speaking once power is gone, even zigbee lights should go off pretty much immediately. Last thing you could try is swapping the lights with the other Innr lights you have. If the problem ‘travels’ with the lights to the other setup it is specific to the lights. If the problem stays with the lights behind this switch it might be something odd with the Fibaro somehow.
I just wanted to bump this topic since the error still persists like this and I’m still clueless what might be causing this issue. It’s only this one lamp (consisting of 6 bulbs formed into one light group) that does this behavior, all other lamps function as expected: as soon as a switch is pressed and electricity cut to it, it immidiately turns off.