Smart CO2 bottle

Hi everyone!

I have a quooker with a 2kg CO2 bottle attached to it. It often happens, that I notice too late that the CO2 bottle comes to an end and therefore I wondered if there are any ideas/hardware (that does not cost a fortunre) to make this smart and to visualize the remaining filling in %? I have a pressure reducer attached to it The needle is around 50 when it is full. The space where this is installed is very tight.
I thought the best way to get accurate readings would be via the weight but I did not come across a good solution to measure this with HA compatiblity.

Maybe anyone has some ideas how to make this lett dumb :slight_smile:

Have you looked into using ESPhome and a weight sensor? I’m not sure how accurate they are. HX711 Load Cell Amplifier — ESPHome

Hi @tom_l,

Looks like a good guide which I will give a try. This is by far beyond anything I have done so far, so I am exited about the outcome.

So I have made the “wood work” and also the soldering/wiring. However I am still getting wrong values.
Either negative values or the raw weight is getting lower with something added to it.

Should I figure out why and fix it I’ll post it here should anyone else be interested.

I have this running now for a few weeks. Eventhough I have tried many different cabeling options, I was not able to get positiv and correct readings. However, this wasn’t bad as I was able to get around this via the sensor.

    - name: "Füllstand CO2 Flasche"
      unique_id: 4ca9a42e-7727-413b-86de-fff9e025527b
      state: >
        {{ ((((26532|float - states('sensor.tasmota_hx711_weightraw')|float) - 5455|float) / 2000) * 100) | round (0) }}
      unit_of_measurement: '%'

The readings are pretty inconsistent.

To overcome this, I am using this tool. with duration 1 day.

I have used hx711 several times without any problems, but never tried with esphome.
Are you powering it 5V?
Did you try it with just some arduino code?

I am powering it with 3.3v from an ESP8266.

This is with Tasmota, as I was not really familiar what the config would be via ESPHome and since it is running for me now, I am a bit afraid to touch it until I have some time again.

Totally clueless with arduino code to be honest.

3V3 can be the problem. Many hx711 modules have 4.3V regulator to give stabile and clean excitation voltage to cells. Also your wiring is quite long.

You mean the voltage (red) wiring? I could get it shorter, this is really version 1.0 so I will certainly do some changes on it. When shortening the cables, I will try with 5v connection and see if the readings will be more stable.

If not shielded, they should be short.
If your module has 4.3V regulator, you should power it at least 4.6V.
Also, temperature changes have certain effect.

They are not shielded, they are the standard ones. I think neither the ESP8266 nor the Hx711 does not have a regulator out of the box, right?

My modules have regulator. It’s for sensors, not for the chip.
There are so many different modules around (some are better, some worst), have a look at yours.