Smart deadbolts, the Australian edition

I and many others bought both from liquidateIT. See This Post

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Thank you. No issues with them? They respond quick with home assistant? Shows all the lock status on home assistant front end?

They respond quick enough, 1-2s for a remote unlock command or status update after manual action. You need a zigbee network to connect to it in case you were not aware.

I have a USB dongle at the moment I use with my other zigbee devices too talk with home assistant will that work?

Yes i would assume so.

Thanks for your reply

Has anyone tried or managed to integrate the Gainsborough Freestyle lock into HA or HACS? Any references or pointers? I still cannot find anything!

Gainsborough Freestyle Trilock Smart Lock (

Thanks in advance!


Same here, it has a wifi add-on that should hopefully make it easier to integrate.

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Thanks so much for this mate, really helped me get up and running with my T-Lock

Haven’t fully tested it yet but how are you differentiating between single use codes and setting other codes? Ie. how are you actually making them single use?

The single use code script has a hardcoded slot number. So when that slot number is used to unlock the door, it triggers the script to remove the same slot.

Works pretty well, just limits me to one at a time which has never been an issue.

Oh so you’ve just chosen a random slot number to be your single use slot?

That makes sense, thanks for explaining! I’ll give it a go tomorrow, just trying to refine my auto re-lock timing first hahaha

Yeah it’s 111 in the code you replied to originally.

Then the relevant part of my automation to remove them is this.

alias: Remove Single Use Codes
description: "Remove a single use code once used or at midnight. "
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_id: deviceid
        operation: Unlock
        code_slot: 111
    id: "1"
  - platform: time
    at: "23:23:23"
    id: "2"
condition: []
  - service: zha.clear_lock_user_code
        - [device id]
      code_slot: "111"
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I’m looking for a smart lock (std single latch type) which has finger print / card / etc
Came across this one which comes in several styles

It supports Google/Amazon assistants, has anyone seen a way to get it working with hassio ?

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If I’m honest, I only scrolled through the last years worth on this very long standing thread.

I’m keen to find a dead bolt (double cylinder or whatever the equivalent is in smart locks) preferably with a matching lever set. I’m very security conscious, and have glass panels in my door, the locking from both sides is not negotiable.

So far the best option looks to be a level bolt matched with one of the few double cylinder dead bolts.

Has anyone here got this configuration and can feedback if level bolt is any good? Does anyone have any alternative solutions that integrate with home assistant?

I changed the batteries in my front door Yale Assure SL (tlock) yesterday as at 20% and lower it clearly wasn’t getting enough juice to move the bolt quickly any more. 4 new AAs and it is as snappy as ever.

Still, a day later HA is reporting low battery at 14% (the same percentage it was when i changed it)

I tried disabling the battery entity and re-enabling it, but no change. Short of removing it from the zigbee network entirely does anyone have any ideas?

I changed the batteries in my Tradfri 2-button switches and it took 3 days for the level to update in HA.
The Aqara temperature/humidity sensors are also strange - on battery change they go high, then a few days later drop to 50-60% and stay there for months.
Perhaps the Assure is similar in reporting or maybe it’s just peculiar to HA.

Yeah okay. Hopefully it does come good again. I wonder if it needs a voltage drop to report the new charge state, and new batteries are holding it for a little while.

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I’ve been looking at my locks and they seem to self-regulate a bit - the lock furthers from the repeater updates battery about every 8 hours whereas the one closest to the repeater is about 3 hours. Also seems to update on every operation (manual or auto) which makes sense.

And there we go. 2 hours ago it changed from 14 to 100%


Has anyone managed to get the Gainsborough freestyle working with HA?

I’ve installed the wifi bridge but can’t any integration…
