Smart double-dimmer?

Hi all,

at the moment I have several double-dimmers in my house. That means, that two dimmers are in one in-wall power socket, like this double-dimmer:

These dimmers I would like to replace by smart ones to control them with Home Assistant.
Does anyone know any solution with two dimmers / double-dimmer in one in-wall power socket?

There is not enough space for putting 2 dimmers into one in-wall power socket (like the Aeotec Nano Dimmer or the Fibaro Dimmer); I tried that out.

Do you know any smart solution for my use case?

Thank you,

You might want to have a look at QS-WiFi-D02-2C

However, it is still not 100%, you might have a look here --> GitHub
I still have some minor issues:

  • state read-out doesn’t survive a reboot
  • status read-out of individual channels seem to influence each other when setpoint is changed
    But the dimmer itself works flawless…